
玉蜀黍(corn),亦作maize。,亦稱玉米。早熟禾科一年生穀類植物,學名Zea mays,源自新大陸,今已遍佈全世界。印第安人教會殖民者種植玉米,包括一些籽粒黃色的品種,該品種與紅、藍、粉紅和黑色的品種一樣,至今仍是受歡迎的食用品種。後幾種顏色的品種常帶有條紋或斑點,現代常當作觀賞植物。在美國,雜色斑駁的品種稱作印第安玉米。植株高大,莖強壯,挺直。葉窄而大,邊緣波狀,於莖的兩側互生。玉米用作動物飼料、人類食物和工業原料,在許多地區為主要糧食,但營養價值低於其他穀物。植株的不可食部分可供工業應用,玉米稈用於造紙和制牆板;外皮用作填充材料,玉米芯作燃料,可燒炭,也用來製造工業溶劑。長久以來玉米外皮也被用作民族藝術的一種材料,如編織成護身符和玉米皮娃娃。玉米是分佈最廣泛的糧食作物之一,種植面積僅次於小麥。也是美國最重要的糧食作物,產量約佔全世界的一半。

English version:


Cereal plant (Zea mays) of the family Poaceae (or Gramineae),originating in the New World,from where it spread throughout the world. American Indians taught colonists to grow corn,including some varieties of yellow corn that are still popular as food,as well as varieties with red,blue,pink,and black kernels,often banded,spotted,or striped,that today are regarded as ornamental and in the U.S. are called Indian corn. The tall,annual grass has a stout,erect,solid stem and large narrow leaves with wavy margins. Corn is used as livestock feed,as human food,and as raw material in industry. Though it is a major food in many parts of the world,it is inferior to other cereals in nutritional value. Inedible parts of the plant are used in industry—stalks for paper and wallboard; husks for filling material; cobs for fuel,to make charcoal,and in the preparation of industrial solvents. Corn husks also have a long history of use in the folk arts for objects such as woven amulets and corn-husk dolls. Corn is one of the most widely distributed of the world's food plants; it is exceeded in acreage planted only by wheat and is the most important crop in the U.S.

