

Welles,(George) Orson

美國電影演員、導演、製片人。十六歲開始舞臺表演,1934年開始在百老匯演出。曾為聯邦戲劇計畫導演《馬克白》--聯邦戲劇計畫的一部分,演員全部是黑人。1937年和約翰.豪斯曼共組墨丘利劇團,創作了一系列的廣播劇。1938年演出由威爾斯(H. G. Wells)小說《星際戰爭》改編的廣播劇,播放模擬的火星人入侵新澤西州的新聞,在千千萬萬聽眾中引起一場虛驚。他後來前往好萊塢發展。在《大國民》(1941)中以富於創新的敘事手法,運用攝影、布光和音樂推動劇情發展,製造所需要的氣氛。該片為他自寫、自導、自制作、自演,是藝術史上最具影響力的影片之一。他其他電影還有《安伯遜大族》(1942)、《陌生人》(1946)、《上海小姐》(1948)、《奧賽羅》(1952)、《審判》(1962)、《午夜鐘聲》(1966)、《歷劫佳人》(1958)。由於和好萊塢片場間的問題,使他縮短了製片的時間移居歐洲。他在《簡愛》(1944)、《黑獄亡魂》(1949)和《強制》(1959)演出亦令人稱道。

English version:


Welles,(George) Orson

U.S. film director,actor,and producer. Born in Kenosha,Wis.,he began acting on stage at 16 and made his Broadway debut in 1934. He directed an all-black cast in Macbeth for the Federal Theater Project. In 1937 he and John Houseman formed the Mercury Theatre,creating a series of radio dramas,attempting to mount Marc Blitzstein's The Cradle Will Rock in the face of determined opposition,and winning notoriety with their panic-producing broadcast of War of the Worlds (1938). Welles then moved to Hollywood,where he cowrote,directed,produced,and acted in the classic Citizen Kane (1941),noted for its innovative narrative technique and atmospheric cinematography and considered the most influential movie in film history. His other films include The Magnificent Ambersons (1942),Journey into Fear (1943),The Stranger (1946),The Lady from Shanghai (1948),Othello (1952),The Trial (1963),Touch of Evil (1958),and Chimes at Midnight (1966). His problems with Hollywood studios curtailed future productions,and he moved to Europe. He was also notable as an actor in Jane Eyre (1944),The Third Man (1949),and Compulsion (1959).

