初中英語作文:A Nice Winter Holiday,A Nice Winter Holiday範文

初中英語作文:A Nice Winter Holiday,A Nice Winter Holiday範文

  在平平淡淡的'日常中,說到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,透過作文可以把我們那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一塊。相信許多人會覺得作文很難寫吧,以下是小編為大家收集的初中英語作文:A Nice Winter Holiday,A Nice Winter Holiday範文,僅供參考,大家一起來看看吧。

  初中英語作文1000字:A Nice Winter Holiday,A Nice Winter Holiday

  a nice winter holiday a nice winter holiday

  spring festival is the most important and eciting festival in china. i had a very nice winter holiday this year.

  on new year’s eve, when i was standing by the window, watching the skyrockets, i made a wish. i hoped that i would do everything well in the new year.

  i went to wolf hill in nantong with my family on the first day of the new year. wolf hill is not very high, but it is very beautiful. it is covered with all kinds of green trees. we took a cable car to go up to the hill. and as we were climbing up, we heard a beautiful piece of music coming from the temple. after we came into the temple, we saw a figure of buddha. there were quite a lot of people there. we each made a wish, and then burned joss sticks. we all hoped our dreams will come true . what a wonderful day i spent!

  pleasant time always goes fast . this winter holiday has gone . i will go back to school and study again, but i think i will never forget the happy winter holiday forever.

  a nice winter holiday
