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Resume often refresh containing keywords


In complete an online resume and through the mail application, a few small skills can help improve job seekers "bid-winning rate".


As far as possible big company resume in key words


According to information, personnel manager search talents, general meeting with key word "well-known enterprise name + position name" search. Such as the IT industry like the sales manager for Microsoft, the personnel manager will such search: "Microsoft + sales manager", the system will search to resume appeared above key word candidates, and if you resume have so of words, can be searched.


Refresh resume guarantee on the seating arrangement


Talent search, meet the conditions of the resume is set according to the time sequence, and the personnel manager will only commonly look ahead a page or two. So job seekers every time login, you'd best refresh your resume, refresh, when you can row in front, and easier to find the personnel manager.


Another kind of method is, when sending E-mail before the personal computer system time to a future time, such as 2010. Most mailbox system and put the mail into chronological order, so this method can ensure your email has been up at the front.


The email subject to chic eye-catching


First of all, unless recruitment unit have special requirements, otherwise don't use English in the email subject and special symbols, is like this very easy to system as a junk mail.


A standard title is commonly: you want to apply for the position of your name + + the job requirements of the job site. This can make reading E-mail message to be clear at a glance of the applicant information.


On this basis, to consider how to hundreds of e-mails from the crowd.


This requires a certain appeal mail subject, such as the classic of job mail title: "flight attendant to Beijing to apply for secretary".


Resume statement content and requirement for matching


Resume is not just personal introduction to finish, more important significance is to show that their and applied position agree with.


So in preparation for job seekers resume should emphasize his experience and position demand, need not too much is introduced and applied position irrelevant content, a resume should express and seal--a point of view: I was the most suitable for the company and the position.
