


  Travellers have marvelled at Egypt's archaeological wonders for centuries, ever since the Ancient Greeks visited the pyramids. Today, millions of tourists are attracted each year to the pyramids, temples, mosques and great monuments of the Nile Valley, as well as the stunning diving resorts of the Red Sea.

  In 430 BC, when Greek historian Herodotos visited the magnificent monuments in Egypt, many of them were already 2,500 years old. Most, from the pyramids of Giza to the astonishingly beautiful temples of Karnak or Philae, or the painted tombs in the Valley of the Kings, can still be visited today. The sheer age of this great civilisation is mind-blowing.

  The life-giving Nile runs north through the country to the Mediterranean, feeding an emerald ribbon of irrigated fields adjacent to villages shaded by date palms. Whether on a cruise ship or traditional felucca boat, life on the water is a constant visual feast, while the few huge, dusty cities - Cairo, Alexandria, Aswan and Luxor - are a babble of exotic sounds and smells.

  Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheik, on the Red Sea coast, are doors to a magical underwater world of technicolour fish and coral that draws divers from around the world, while other adventurous travellers head inland. Here, you can discover monasteries amid the arid mountains of Sinai or the distant desert oases, home to the hardy nomads whose camel trains still wander the Saharan sands.

  Egypt is at the centre of the Arab world and has played a central role in the region's political situation in modern times. After three wars in 1948, 1967 and 1973, peace was achieved with Israel in 1979 leading to Egypt's expulsion from the Arab League (they were restored in 1991). Egypt has since played a vital role in the Middle East Peace Process.







  hi,你們好!我是埃及旅遊社的導遊,我姓徐,大家請叫我徐導遊,我們旅遊的地方是金字塔。古埃及是世界歷史上最悠久的文明古國之一,金字塔是古埃及文明的代表作,是埃及國家的象徵。金字塔分佈在尼羅河兩岸,古上埃及和下埃及。 金字塔是古埃及法老的陵寢,都大小不一。

  來看看這個金字塔,叫胡夫金字塔。高137.2米,底長230米,共用230萬塊平均每塊2.5噸的石塊,佔地52000平方公尺。 胡夫金字塔的不遠處是哈夫拉金字塔,它是埃及第四王朝法老哈夫拉建造的金字塔。在它初建成時,即公元前約26世紀中葉,它有143.5米高,只比胡夫金字塔矮3.2米,它現在高136.5米,與胡夫金字塔一樣高。當初它的邊長是215.3米,現在是210.5米,塔壁傾斜度為52°20′,比胡夫金字塔更陡,且它處在吉薩的最高處,因此看上去它比胡夫金字塔要高。哈夫拉金字塔石灰石塊總體積為1629200立方米,塔裡空間不到萬分之一,是世界上最緊密的建築。哈夫拉金字塔前設有祭廟,廟前長長的`堤道通向另一座河谷的神廟和獅身人面像。

  後面這是獅身人面像。傳說法老胡夫來這裡巡視自己快要竣工了的陵墓——金字塔,胡夫發現採石場上還留下一塊巨石。胡夫當即命令石匠們,按照他的臉型,雕一座獅身人面像。石工們冒著酷暑,一年又一年精雕細刻,終於完成了它……這位小朋友你不能坐在獅身人面像上面,你可要知道,這個獅身人面像是守護大金塔的守衛士兵哦! 你們知道這是哪裡嗎?對了,是尼羅河。尼羅河是一條流經非洲


  為什麼要建造金字塔呢?我給大家講個傳說: 在上古埃及,有一個國王名叫奧西里斯,他有一個兄弟名叫塞特。塞特存心不良,為奪取王位,謀害了他的哥哥,還把屍體切成14塊,扔到各處。後來,奧西里斯的兒子荷拉斯打敗了塞特,為父親報了仇。荷拉斯和母親一道把分散在各處的父親的屍體找回,拼湊起來做成屍幹,然後藉助神靈,使奧西里斯復活做了陰間的主宰。當時的埃及人認為,儲存好屍體,人的靈魂就有了寄託的地方。因此,法老死後,總把屍體製成木乃伊。為了讓木乃伊安心,就建造了金字塔。


