

  mode of motion


  Walking, running, rowing and cycling are all healthy forms of sports.

  走路,跑步,划船和騎腳踏車都是有益於健康的運動方式。 Of or resembling an amoeba,especially in changeability of form and means of locomotion.

  變形蟲的變形蟲的`,象變形蟲似的,尤指在形狀變化和運動方式方面Cardio Cross Everyone knows that cross training is important. Try this exciting fitness cocktail.

  有氧交叉操在一堂課程中融合有氧操、板及啞鈴操等不同運動方式。能更大程度上的消耗身體多餘的熱量。 mode是什麼意思:

  n. 方式;模式;風格,時尚

  Hypolydian mode

  亞里底亞調式 Hypophrygian mode

  亞弗裡季亞調式 Mode switch. This control is used to select the desired transmit mode. The modes available are

  模式開關,這個控制旋鈕能選擇你要求的發射模式,可選模式有:。Imprinting is not possible in the following modes: print off mode and reset mode.

  在下列模式下不能進行影印:不影印模式、重新設定模式。A method of operation;for example,the binary mode,the interpretive mode,the alphanumeric mode.


  n. 運動;動作;提議;動機

  v. 以姿勢向某人示意

  The train was in motion.

  火車開動了。The motion was withdrawn.

  那項動議被撤銷了。 The backwards motion is the anticipation, the throw itself is the motion.

  這個向後的動作就是預備動作,投擲就是動作本身。The motion was lost by a majority of two.

  動議以兩票之差被否決了。 object motion perception

  客體運動知覺 客體運動知覺
