


  (n) leadership


  (v) take action

  run out of money


  His skill in packing and unpacking had been acquired solely in the service of Colonel Pikeaway.

  他打行李、拆行李的技術完全是他在尼克韋上校手下工作期間學來的。He couldn’t be more than twenty-five, Will thought. This was one Hank Taylor’s best people?

  威爾看他頂多不過25歲,難道此人會是漢克·泰勒手下的一員干將sar Borgia soon found purchasers for their appointments

  這事一經確定,凱撒·布琪亞不久就又找到了出錢買紅衣主教手下官職的人。" Working for Tom was just a bit exhausting

  在他手下幹活有點讓人吃不消。We work under an experienced engineer.

  我們在一位經驗豐富的工程師手下工作。An entire legion of my best troops awaits them

  我整個手下軍隊都在等他們He commanded that the men should shut the gates.

  他命令手下的人把大門關上。 John's soldiers were readying themselves for the final assault.

  約翰的手下正在為最後的進攻做準備。Unconsciously his hand withdrew from hers.

  他的手下意識地從她手中抽出來。They work under a kind leader.


  n. 領導層;領導;領導才能

  They jockey for the leaderships of the party.

  他們不擇手段謀取黨的`領導權。A change of leadership alone will not be enough.

  僅僅更換領導層是不夠的。That was the first generation of collective leadership.


  n. 下級,部屬

  v. 使居次要地位;使隸屬,使服從

  adj. 下級的,次要的,附屬的;從屬的

  This is a subordinate clause.

  這是個附屬從句。 To contain as a secondary or subordinate element.

  含有作為次要的、附屬的成分而包含 He has delegated the task to a subordinate.


  v. 拿,取;帶;獲得;採取;承擔;吃;耗費;乘,搭;以為;理解;走;抓住

  a catch; a take; a taking

  捕獲量 take a nap; take a snooze

  小睡一下;睡午覺 take service with
