



  1.What are you going to do?你(們)將要做什麼?

  (此句還可這樣說:What will you do?一般將來時態有兩種表達法:1.be going to+動詞原形,注意“be”隨前面的主語變化;2.will+動詞原形,will用於各種人稱。都表示“將要做什麼”)再如:I am going to go to Guilin.=I will go to Guilin.我將要去桂林。


  2.What time is it?現在幾點了?

  (此句=What`s the time?回答時都是It`s+具體的時間。)

  3.At half past twelve.在十二點半。

  (英語中時間表達法有以下幾種:①.整點表達法:數字+o`clock.如:four o`clock四點鐘;②.半點表達法:half past+數字。如:half past ten十點半;③.一刻鐘(15分鐘)表達法:a quarter+past/to+小時數。如:a quarter to one12點45分,a quarter past five5點15分;④.差幾分到幾點表達法:分鐘數(60—實際分數)+to(差)+小時數(實際小時數+1):如:ten to nine 8點50;⑤幾點過幾分表達法:分鐘數(1-30分鐘內包括30分)+past(過)+小時數(實際小時數)。如:eight past two 2點08分;⑥直接讀數法:小時數+分鐘數。如:one ten 1點10分,three thirty-six 3點36分;)



  4.We`re going to walk around the lake.我們沿著湖走一走。


  再如:around the playground在操場周圍



  5.These ducks are very noisy.這些鴨子非常吵鬧。



  6.It`s going to snow in Harbin.哈爾濱將是下雪的天氣。

  (這裡說的是明天的.天氣情況,所以要用“is going to”。詢問天氣狀況時,我們要注意區別是昨天、今天還是未來的天氣狀況,然後選擇正確的問句和答句。請看三種問答句:A.What was the weather like yesterday?It was sunny.昨天的天氣怎樣?昨天是晴朗的天氣。B.What is the weather like today?It is windy.今天的天氣怎樣?今天是颳風的天氣。C.What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?It is going to be rainy.明天的天氣怎麼樣?明天將是下雨的天氣。在以上三個句子中詢問了三個時間的天氣情況,我們要根據不同的情況選擇不同的句子。“What is the weather like.....?”就是詢問“....天氣怎樣?”,在今天,like後就跟today,前面用“is”;在昨天,like後跟yesterday,原來的“is”就變成了“was”;問明天的天氣,like後跟tomorrow,原來的“is”就變成了“is going to be”。如果是詢問某個地方的天氣情況,就在like後跟“in+地方”。)

  如:What`s the weather going to be like in Beijing?It`s going to rain.北京(未來的)天氣怎樣?北京將要下雨。練習:西安的天氣將怎麼樣?西安將有風。




  Keys:1.He is going to watch TV.He will watch TV.3.at five o`clock; half past three; six twenty; twenty past six;five forty-five;a quarter to six; nine fifty; ten to ten;4.around the park, around the zoo.6.What`s the weather going to be like in xian?It`s going to wind./It`s going to be windy.


  1.have a picnic野餐

  2.be going to=will將要、打算

  3.in the park在公園

  4.at half past twelve在十二點半

  5.what time幾點/什麼時間

  6.walk around the lake沿著湖走

  7.a beautiful day一個好天

  8.Let`s go!讓我們走吧!

  9.be very noisy非常吵鬧

  10.under the tree在樹下

  11.be wet溼了

  12.go home回家

  13.after school放學後

  14.have a party舉行晚會

  15.half past four四點半

  16.in Harbin在哈爾濱

  17. Go to the park to play去公園玩

  18.play football with...和...踢足球

  19.what about.....?....怎麼樣?

  20.this afternoon今天下午

  21.in my bedroom在我的臥室

  22after dinner晚飯後

  23.play chess下棋

  24.go to bed上床睡覺

  25.say goodnight說晚安

  26,on Thursday在星期四
