

  俗話說:六月的'天,娃娃的臉——說變就變。今天就是一個例子,今天是個晴朗的天氣,我和小夥伴玩兒的正歡,突然,天上下起了小雨。緊接著,下起了傾盆大雨。沒過一會兒,我們的全身都淋透了,我們趕緊到停車場躲雨,還沒多上五分鐘,就停了下來。 今天的大雨來得真突然。

  As the saying goes: on the day of June, the face of the doll changes as soon as it is said. Today is an example. It's a sunny day. My friends and I are having fun. Suddenly, it's raining. Then it rained cats and dogs. After a while, we were all drenched. We hurried to the parking lot for shelter. Before five minutes, we stopped. Today's heavy rain is really sudden.
