

  我們徑直來到一家城內的超市。呀!這兒可真熱鬧啊:只見店內張燈結綵,喜氣洋洋;賀年的廣播鑼鼓陣陣,樂曲激昂;櫃檯上的商品琳琅滿目,應有盡有;採購年貨的人們來來往往,絡繹 不絕。大家都沉浸在一種喜悅的氣氛之中。

  We went straight to a supermarket in the city. Ah! It's really lively here: I saw lights and lights in the shop, and I was jubilant; the radio, gongs and drums in the new year's festival were in bursts, and the music was exciting; the goods on the counter were all kinds of, and there was an endless stream of people buying new year's goods. Everyone was immersed in an atmosphere of joy.


  Our family split up, each carrying a shopping basket to get what they need. Soon, we had all the things we wanted to buy. I have everything to eat, wear and use. Of course, I have snacks, extracurricular books and sports goods I want.


  With the development of society, the progress of science and technology, new year's products are more and more abundant, and people's life is more and more wonderful.
