




  1. 能力目標:透過本次作文練習提高口語表達能力。

  2. 知識目標:透過本次的寫作提高學生的詞彙量。

  3. 情感目標:增強學生之間的瞭解,提升生生之間的友誼。


  教學用具: 黑板、紙


  1. 匯入:今天班裡來了一位新同學,你和他會展開怎樣的對話呢

  2. 課題呈現:

  ⑴今天我們就以introduce yourself為題來討論一下這個話題。


  a. Where are you from?

  b. Do you like the weather?

  c. What’s your parents?

  d. What fruit do you like?


  England、Singapore、sunny 、cloudy、snowy、rainy、doctor、 nurse postman、 teacher、 watermelon、kiwifruit、 apple banana、 orange、 friends等等




  4.習作練習。現在請你就你和你的同伴所編的小對話換一種形式寫出來也就是Introduce yourself.將對話中所涉及的各種個人資訊總結起來就是你自己的個人資訊我們來試著寫一下。



  請你就今天你所學的到的相關資訊寫一篇作文Thisis me.80詞左右。







  1. 有部分學生詞彙量不夠,造成了一定的寫作困難。

  2. 一些學生的中式思維句式,邏輯思維也比較亂。

  3. 口語表達能力不夠,無法用英語來較好的表達。


  1. 抓住作文的主題,要做到基本的句式正確,語句通順。

  2. 增加詞彙量,基本句型的背誦。




  一、 課例名稱:In the zoo

  二、 執教教師:

  三、 指導教師:

  四、 課型:單元教學(第二課時)

  五、 學段(年級):六年級上學期

  六、 教材版本:廣東省教育廳編寫《開心學英語》

  七、 教學流程圖

  Unit 8 In the zoo 教學流程圖

  八、 教學設計


  1、教學內容: Book Seven Unit 8

  2、知識目標:學生能掌握句型:Which is faster,the car or the duck?The car is faster.







  (2) 能正確口頭運用Which is faster, the cat or the duck? The cat is faster來進詢問並作出正確的回答。






  根據《新課程標準》的要求,強調要激發學生對英語學習的興趣,使學生樹立自信心,養成良好的學習習慣和形成有效的學習策略,發展自主學習的能力和合作精神;使學生掌握一定的英語基礎知識和聽、說、讀、寫技能,形成一定的綜合語言運用能力。讓學生主動有效地參與學習過程。為使學生成為課堂上的主人,因此本人在教學中運用情景教學法,創設情景幫助學生透過情景理解教學內容,逐步培養學生用英語思維的習慣,同時運用遊戲教學法及表演法,透過小組合作學習,創造一種和諧融洽學習氛圍。本人主要是按照“任務型教學”的結構來設計課堂活動的, 透過引導學生參與討論的學習方式,即“探究學習、合作討論、主體參與”,體現了教育要以人為本,要尊重學生的認知規律和情感發展規律。透過Games,Music, Songs等在課堂上的運用,讓學生在學中玩,玩中學,融情入境,做到寓教於樂。







  Step1 Warm- up and lead-in

  1. Sing a song.

  T: What’s that?Ss: It’s a snail

  T: And this? Ss: It’s a snake

  T: Good, Do you remember this song<< Which is slower> Ss: Yes.

  T: Let’s sing this song , OK? Ss: Yes.

  設計意圖: 透過唱《Which is slower》,讓學生複習前面學習過的句型,一方面提高學生學習興趣和集中力,另一方面為下面的內容作好輔墊

  2.Free talk.

  T: Hello, Everyone! Ss: Hi, Teacher..

  T: Do you know which place has many animals? Ss: Zoo.

  T: Do you ever go to the Zoo? Ss: No, I don’t.

  T: That’s OK! Today , we will go to the zoo. Are you ready?Ss: Yes. 設計意圖:透過真實的交際訓練引出本節課要學習的內容,利用日常談話為學生創設輕鬆的學習氛圍, 消除學生的緊張情緒, 並由此自然地引出本課所要學習的話題。

  Step 2 Presentation

  1. Review the English phrases

  T: Now, we are going to take the bus to the zoo. Let’s go. Ss: Yes.

  (1)Show some animals’ pictures , have ss guess..

  Ant, butterfly, fox,fish, duck,bear, snail,bird, chicken……..

  (2) Have Ss read the English phrases after the teacher for some times.


  (3)Show two animals, have ss say a sentence.

  T: Now,Look at the picture, let’s say a sentence, OK? Ss: OK

  T: For an example:Which is faster, the cat or the duck? The cat is faster.

  ( use the CAI , finish the step)

  Ss: Which is slower , the sail or the ant? The sail is slower.

  (4) Groups work

  There are so many animals, now, let’s talk about them in my groups, and fill the chart.

  S1: Which is nicer, the green fish or the red fish?S2: The green fish is nicer..

  (fill the chart)

  (6) Ask and answer.

  T: Which is bigger, the bird or the chicken?Ss: The chicken is bigger.

  Ss: Which is heavier, the bear or the panda? T: The bear is heavier.


  2. Learn Reading.

  T:We had seen so many animals , how to tell our friends or parents , now, let’s read a passage.

  (1) Show new reading.


  This is a zoo. There are so many animals in it. They are very happy. Look, the cat and the duck are running. The cat is faster. The bear and the panda are eating. The bear is heavier. What a happy picture!

  (2)Read after the teacher, and answer some questions.

  * What are the cat and duck doing?Ss; They are running.

  * Who are eating?Ss: The bear and panda are eating.

  Which is heavier , the bear or the panda? Ss: The bear is heavier..

  (3) Groups work.

  Have ss finish the blank.

  In the zoo, the cat and the duck ________________. The cat is ___________. _________________ are eating. The bear is _____________. What a happy picture!

  Show one group’s answer on the blackboard, have ss check together.


  3. Write a passage.

  Today, we knew how to say the animals , now, let’s write “in the zoo”

  (1) play the music, have ss write.

  Passage 1 :In the zoo, the animals are _________. Look, the green fish and the red fish are ___________.( swim) The green fish is __________( nice) on the leaf, the snail and the ant are _______________( run) ,the snail is __________( slow)

  Passage2:In the zoo, the animals are happy. Look, __________________________________.

  (2)Groups work

  Have ss read their writings one by one in groups, choose the best one in each group.

  (3) Share : Teacher give some comments on those good written works.


  Step3 Summary

  Show some pictures, have ss must protect our animals.

  Step4 Homework

  Write a passage on the book.

  Blackboard design:

  Unit 8 in the zoo

  Which is faster, the cat or the duck? The cat is faster.



  step 1 leading in

  1. show some pictures of food and ask the students:

  what do you prefer/don’t like? why?

  2. discussion.

  in pairs try to find reasons to persuade your partner to like the same food asyours. try to use the following expressions.

  i would rather… i don’t like …because…

  i’d prefer…because… it’s a great pity that…

  3. group activity:

  suppose you are a vendor, try to find reasons to persuade people to buy your food and use the above expressions. give students a sample:

  i’d rather you bought these apples. look, how clean they are! my apples are free of insects, and any chemicals, because while they were growing, we wore paper bags for each of them. they are delicious, pretty, clean, and the most important, healthy. an apple a day keeps the doctor away. so don’t miss them, buy! come on! buy some!

  divide the students into groups of four. one acts a buyer, the others act vendors. give students some minutes to prepare dialogues, and then ask some groups to act out in public.


  step 2 pre-writing

  1. ask the students if you want to persuade more and more people to buy your food, what you will do?

  2. show some sample advertisements. ask the students to pay more attention to the structure of the sentences and the feature of the language.

  3. according to some samples, ask students to summarize the characters of words and sentences in english ads.

  4. give the students sample writing. guide them to summarize the structure of a poster.

  設計目的:逐步引入廣告寫作的話題,呈現一些廣告作品和廣告詞,讓學生自己觀察、總結、歸納出廣告的語言特點和結構特點。提供範例, 引導學生歸納出英語廣告的寫作框架,為寫的訓練積累了必要的素材。

  5. skimming. ask the students to skim the short passage in ex.1 page 15, and find out what are the advantages of green food


  step 3 while-writing

  divide the students into groups of four. give them 5 minutes to design a poster.


  step 4 post-writing

  1. in groups, the students check their mistakes in the poster and make assessment.


  總分:_____ 評價人:______________

  2. the students rewrite their posters.

  3. the students show their posters in class and the teacher make some comments.












  選規範貼切的詞,如read,see,watch,look at來表示看,但具體搭配如:Let’s go to see the movies

  Look at the blackboard please

  don’t read in the sun

  How many children like watching TV?



  錯誤may I borrow your telephone?

  正確may I use your telephone?



  錯誤How long may these magazines be borrowed?正確How long may these magazines be kept?

  Borrow是非延續性動詞,不能與表示延續性的時間狀語how long用在一個句子中,原句中的借多久實際上是借回去能保留多久


  錯誤I pleased him to help me

  正確I asked him to help me

  Please是一種禮貌用語,他的後面不能接賓語加動詞不定式的複合結構,這句話中的請的真實含義是請求,要求,請求某人做某事,英語當中通常用ask sb. to do sth.表達


  There be+主語有…

  There are many trees on the hill.


  Actions speak louder than words.事實勝於雄辯

  A good medicine tastes bitter.良藥苦口,忠言逆耳


  課題:看圖書面表達(Writing A Story)


  教學重點:引導學生先仔細觀察所給圖片,掌握故事的中心意思。然後 依次確定出描述每幅圖所需的中心詞,並由詞成句,由句成文。最後對文章的篇章結構進行修改,實現用詞準確,行文流暢。




  一、展示 (Presentation)

  1.透過計算機展示上次作為作業的看圖書面表達材料。(幫助回 顧、加深印象)

  2.將含有學生在作業中所犯典型錯誤的文章展示出來,作為改錯進 行練習。

  二、討論 (Discussion)


  2. 請找到錯誤的學生現場指出並改正錯誤之處,其他學生一起評判 對錯:若改對了,教師可用滑鼠單擊文中的那處錯誤,原本隱含的修改部分便會顯示出來;若沒改對,可接著請其他學生幫忙。(在進行此步驟時,學生無須根據文章的先後逐行挑錯,只要找到錯誤即可發言。)

  3. 教師總結。首先,針對文中學生未找出或改對的錯誤,幫助學生一起改正。其次,對文中的錯誤之處進行分類(如:名詞複數、動詞時態、介詞等),引起學生的重視。

  三、展示 (Presentation)


  四、討論 (Discussion)


  2. 按圖片的先後順序,分別要求幾組學生將他們的討論結果告訴大家,由大家一起來討論用詞是否恰當及如何改正。同時,教師將這些詞按圖片順序依次輸入計算機,展示給大家(也可透過實物投影儀展示)。

  五、練習 (Practice)


  六、反饋 (Feedback)


  2. 重複此步驟,展示其它幾幅圖的句子。

  3. 從每幅圖的兩組句子中各挑選一組,將這些剛改正的無語法錯誤的句子,透過計算機組合成文,重新展示給學生。

  七、討論 (Discussion)


  八、反饋 (Feedback)



  九、鞏固 (Consolidation)


  十、作業 (Homework)


  Teaching Plan

  I. Topic: Writing A story

  II. Teaching Aim: According to the pictures of a story, teach the students how to write a story using the effective sentences.

  III. Key Points: Teach the students how to get the key words of each picture and how to use effective sentences to complete a coherent composition.

  IV. Teaching Aids: Computer

  V. Teaching Method: Discussion

  VI. Teaching Procedure:

  Step 1.Presentation

  Present the composition with the typical mistakes made by the students to the class.

  Step 2.Discussion

  1.Let the students work in pairs to discuss the composition and try to find out as many mistakes as they can.

  2.Ask some students to correct the mistakes in public. At the same time, present the right ones to the whole class.

  3.Classify the typical mistakes.

  Step 3.Presentation

  Present the pictures of a story to the class. Give the students two minutes to look through the pictures and try to get the main idea of the story.

  Step 4.Discussion

  1.Let the students work in groups of four to get the key words of each picture orally.

  2. Ask several students to report their answers to the rest of the class. Present these key words to the whole class.

  Step 5.Writing

  According to the key words, ask the students to write down their own sentences about each picture.

  Step 6.Feedback

  1.Present two students’ sentences about Picture 1 to the class as models, and then correct their grammar mistakes with the whole class.

  2.Present another two students’ sentences about Picture 2 to the class and correct the grammar mistakes too.

  3.Repeat this step with the other pictures.

  4.Choose either of the models from each picture to make up a passage. Present it to the class.

  Step 7.Discussion Give the students a few minutes to discuss how to make these sentences more effective and how to make this passage more coherent.

  Step 8.Feedback

  1.Correct this passage with the whole class.

  2.Present the model to the class.

  3.Emphasize the way of writing this kind of composition.

  Step 9. Assignment

  Write another story as homework.
