雙語美文賞析:Super Bike

雙語美文賞析:Super Bike

  Super Bike超級腳踏車

  Our neighbours across the road have a son that has Asperger's and is getting extremely large. I work in a hospital so there are many sights that make your heart crack and I couldn't help feeling I have to help. 馬路對面的鄰居家有個兒子,他患有阿斯伯格綜合症,隨著年齡的增長也變得越來越魁梧。我在一家醫院工作,所以經常會看到很多讓人心碎的'場景,每當這時我都情不自禁去幫助他們。

  I talked it out with my partner and said 'I've put this this wheeler push bike on layby for Louchy what do you think it's $1200 '??? He said if you want and if you get stuck I'll help you and he did. 我把這事告訴了我的工作夥伴,“我把一輛腳踏車停在了路旁停車處作為閒置,它看起來值1200美元嗎???”他說,如果你需要我幫忙或是遇到了困難,我會幫助你。他確實也這麼做了。

  Christmas Day the neighbours came over for Xmas lunch and got more than they bargained for. It's a ripper of a feeling every now and again seeing the 3 of them push bike riding.聖誕節那天,鄰居們過來一起共進了聖誕午餐,並且花了比還價後的價格還低的價錢獲得了那輛腳踏車。現在每次看到鄰居家一家三口騎著那輛腳踏車就覺得異常的高興。
