

  市場是企業的方向 , 質量是企業的生命市場是海 , 企業是船 , 質量是帆 , 人是舵手顧客是我們的.

  the market is the direction of enterprise, quality is the life of enterprise market is the sea, the enterprise is a boat, quality is the fan, who is the helmsman customer is our

  《企業精神口號大全》正文開始>> 市場是企業的方向 , 質量是企業的生命

  " enterprise spirit slogan" start of text > > market is the direction of enterprise, quality is the life of enterprise

  市場是海 , 企業是船 , 質量是帆 , 人是舵手

  the market is the sea, the enterprise is a boat, quality is the fan, who is the helmsman

  顧客是我們的上帝 , 品質是上帝的需求

  the customer is our god, god is the quality of the demand

  我們的策略是 : 以質量取勝

  our strategy is: to the quality to win

  市場競爭不同情弱者 , 不創新突破只有出局

  market competition, sympathy for the weak, innovation.

  爭取一個客戶不容易 , 失去一個客戶很簡單

  for a customer is not easy, losing a customer is very simple

  提高售後服務質量 , 提升客戶滿意程度

  improve the service quality of customer service, improve customer satisfaction degree

  抱怨事件速處理 , 客戶滿意又歡喜

  complain the event processing speed, customer satisfaction and joy

  不繃緊質量的弦 , 彈不了市場的調

  guarantee of the quality is the key, can't play the market regulation

  製造須靠低成本 , 競爭依賴高品質

  manufacturers have to rely on low-cost, high-quality competition to rely on

  客戶想到的我們要做到 , 客戶沒有想到的我們也要做到

  our customers think of to do, the customer does not think we have to do

  重視合同 , 確保質量 : 準時交付 , 嚴守承諾

  take the contract, ensure the quality of delivery on time, strict commitment:


  product brand is a symbol of quality.
