

  夏天到了,很多人都到公園裡去。小朋友們在池塘裡玩水。旁邊的石頭上坐著一個小男孩,他不停地扇動著扇子,好像他很熱。一邊的'小狗,搖著尾巴,吐著舌頭。在一棵大樹下,有人在賣西 瓜。夏天,真是快樂呀!

  It's summer. Many people go to the park. The children are playing in the pond. There was a little boy sitting on the stone beside him. He kept fanning, as if he was very hot. The dog on one side, wagging its tail and sticking out its tongue. Under a big tree, someone is selling watermelon. What a happy summer!
