小學生英語演講稿——I love you,China-學生演講稿

小學生英語演講稿——I love you,China-學生演講稿

  演講稿特別注重結構清楚,層次簡明。在學習、工作生活中,我們使用上演講稿的情況與日俱增,相信寫演講稿是一個讓許多人都頭痛的'問題,以下是小編為大家收集的小學生英語演講稿——I love you,China-學生演講稿,希望能夠幫助到大家。

  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, i’m very glad to make a speech here. today my topic is “i love you, China.”

  Since the day i was born, i began to have a proud name—Chinese. since the day i began to talk, the most beautiful sentence i’ve ever learnt has been “i love you, China!”

  I love you, China, and i’m so proud of being a Chinese. i’m proud that i’ve got the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and black hair. i’m also proud that i speak the most beautiful language in the world—Chinese.

  I love you, China, for i can feel the deep love you give me every day, every minute. last year, i got an opportunity to visit the united states of america. during my staying there, my father’s boss once invited my family to dinner. while at , he looked at me and asked: “little boy, how long have you been in america?” “about a month,” i answered, “how lucky you are!” he said, “if you were living in China, how could you learn such perfect english?” i smiled and told him proudly that all the students in China are able to learn english at school. i saw his surprised eyes and said to myself, “I’m proud of you, China .”
