初一年級英語作文my mother

初一年級英語作文my mother

  My mother of medium height, white skin, not very beautiful but dignified and easy, her dress is just like people, not fashionable but very elegant. My mother's character is bad, often lose his temper. Strengths, weaknesses, you want to know? My mother is a man of ingenuity, will do a lot of exquisite handicrafts. Fengling is very good-looking, she will do what all have, in the shape of different colors, hung in the window, my home is very beautiful, especially under the wind chimes look gorgeous in that some of small ornament, whenever there is a wind blowing, they will send melodious bell, it sounds like the wings, can fly far away.

  Do you know? My mother a bath just half an hour. Her do the housework is also very clean. 5 o 'clock in the morning get up to do breakfast for the family to eat, at 9 o 'clock in the morning will go to the market to buy food, come back and then do a housework. Cook a meal at 11 o 'clock. Wash his clothes, and 2 PM 3 PM to do the housework. She's housework: sweeping, washing clothes, sweep the floor, washing the dishes, and so on household chores, few are also countless. The evening she often said: "oh ~ today the housework so much do I waist sour backache." Father and sister, I have no words to say. In fact, we want to help her, but we help her. She said: "go away, you do not clean."

  You say my mother is very love clean and industrious again?

  我的媽媽中等身材,皮膚白白的,不十分漂亮但端莊大方,她的穿衣打扮也跟人一樣,不時但很高雅。媽媽的性格不好,常發脾氣。優點很多,缺點也不少,你們想知道嗎? 媽媽是個心靈手巧的人,會做許多精巧的手工藝品。她做的風鈴很好看,什麼形狀的.都有,顏色各異,掛在我家窗前,非常漂亮,特別是風鈴下的有些小裝飾好看極了,每當有風吹起的時候,它們就會發出悅耳的鈴聲,那聲音像是長了翅膀,能飛得很遠很遠。


