關於世界無煙日的英語作文 Non-smoking Day-節日作文範文

關於世界無煙日的英語作文 Non-smoking Day-節日作文範文

  在平凡的學習、工作、生活中,許多人都寫過作文吧,作文要求篇章結構完整,一定要避免無結尾作文的'出現。那麼你知道一篇好的作文該怎麼寫嗎?下面是小編為大家收集的關於世界無煙日的英語作文 Non-smoking Day-節日作文範文,歡迎大家借鑑與參考,希望對大家有所幫助。

  On Non&smoking Day, a school did a survey about how many students smoke.Here are the results:3%of the students often smoke.7%of the students smoke sometimes.These students say they smoke just for fun and they look cool while smoking

  .Nearly everyone knows smoking does no good to people’s health,especially for teenagers.As students,we should not smoke.Those who smoke should give up smoking.

  And if our family members smoke,we should try to stop them.Students who have never smoked should never try it



