

  Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today.今日事,今日畢。

  Early mi stakes are the seeds of future trouble,早期的錯誤可以釀成日後的`麻煩。

  Early sow, early mow.早早栽種,早早收割。

  Improve your time and your time will improve you.善用時間,才會隨著時間進

  In youth the hours are go I den in mature years they are silver, in old age they are leaden.青年時代是黃金,壯年時代是白銀,老年時代是灰。(leaden:灰色的).

  It is only the idle that are wretched.虛度光陰的人最可憐。

  It is the tooth I ess animal that arrives first at the base of the fruit tree, to eat his fill before others arrive,無牙的動物會先到果樹下,趁其他動物未抵達前先吃。

  It is too I ate for a galloping horse to stop at a clip; it is use I ess for a sinking boat to be mended in the middle of a river,馬到懸崖收緩晚,船至江心補漏遲。(gallop:飛跑,奔跑)。

  It is too I ate to cast anchor when the ship is on the rock.錯過時機再補救,為時已晚。

  It is too I ate to grieve when the chance is past.錯失良機,後悔已遲。

  It is too I ate to lock the stable door when the steed is stolen.賊走關門,為時已晚。

  Early start makes easy stages.事早行,易順遂。

  Easy come, easy go.來得容易去得快。//來得快去得快。

  Employ your time well if you meanest to get I e i sure.善用時間,方有閒日。

  Every minute counts.分秒必爭。

  He that does his turn in time, sits half idle.守時者能悠哉等待。

  He that gains time gains all things.獲得時間就是獲得一切。

  He that has time has life.有時間,就有生活。

  He that rises I ate, must trot all day.起床起得晚,整天忙不完。(trot:小跑 著走,急匆匆地走)

  He that will thrive must rise at five,五更起床,百事興旺。

  He who does not rise early never does a good day,s work.起床不早,一日的工作難做好。

  He who works before dawn wi I I soon be his own master.黎明前起床的工作者能做自己的主人。
