


  We should all know that protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility!


  The world we live in is very fragile, the earth's natural resources are limited, if we start from now on the protection of the environment and the earth, our earth will become more beautiful!


  Protect environment begin from me to start from the US side of the little things!

  保護環境就是保護地球還是間接的保護我們人類自己,如果環境被破壞的話,那麼我們賴以生存的家園就很有可能被沙漠吞噬 !

  Protect environment is to protect the earth or indirectly protect ourselves, if the environment is destroyed, so the survival of our homes will likely be the desert!

  我在這裡向全世界的人們呼籲 保護環境人人有責 ! 如果我們還在這樣的破壞環境的話,我們的家園即將遭到崩潰 。 那時我們便沒有去處了, 保護環境人人有責 , 從小事開始作起吧,

  I am here to call for the protection of the environment is everyone's responsibility to people all over the world! If the damage to the environment we are such words, our home will breakdown. Then we will have no place Protect environment is everyone's responsibility, from the minor matter, starts,

  如我們不亂扔垃圾, 隨地吐痰等。

  If we do not littering, spitting etc..


  Protect environment is everyone's responsibility!
