

  Unit 1

  1. in pairs 成對

  2. give reasons for 給…理由

  3. improve prison conditions改善監獄的條件

  4. the Nobel Peace Prize諾貝爾和平獎

  5. one of the top leaders高階領導人之一

  6. concern oneself with 讓自己關注***be concerned about對…擔心***

  7. welfare projects福利專案

  8. China Welfare Institute中國福利協會

  9. show the conncetion between …and…顯示出…和…之間的聯絡

  10. fight for為…而戰

  11. put…to death將…處死

  12. a specialist in women's illnesses婦科疾病的專家

  13. devote all her life to將自己的一生獻給… 致力於…

  14. rather than而不是

  15. behave like humans像人類的舉止

  16. the night before前一天晚上

  17. wonder off離開

  18. make it all worthwhile使…值得

  19. come into one's arms回到…的懷抱

  20. fully understand完全理解

  21. observe and record their daily activities觀察記錄他們的日常活動

  22. be determined to下定決心…

  23. communicate…with與…交流

  24. work out their social system勾勒出他們的社會體系

  25. the rest of the world世界上的其他人

  26. argue for…為…辯護argue against…反對… argue with sb. 與…爭論

  27. come crowding in紛塌而至

  28. achieve everything做成了所有的事

  29. gain a doctor's degree獲得了博士學位

  30. cheer the achievements of women為婦女的成就喝彩

  31. support a family支撐一個家庭

  32. get upset感到不安

  33. be of great importance很重要

  34. look down upon 看不起

  35. do some research 做研究

  36. catch one's eye吸引…

  37. cut the death rate降低死亡率

  38. care for照顧、喜歡

  39. follow some simple rules遵循一些簡單的規則

  40. be intended for為…準備

  41. get a medical training獲得醫學培訓

  42. be placed second to放在…之後

  43. further reading進一步的閱讀

  44. as well as和,還有/ 和…一樣

  45. story after story 一個故事接著一個故事

  46. deliver a baby接生

  47. make sure確保,確信

  48. carry on繼續

  49. fill in the forms填表

  50. the university entrance exam大學入學考試

  Unit 2

  1. grow plants種植作物

  2. know about farming瞭解農業耕種

  3. a mian food主要食物

  4. Asian countries亞洲國家

  5. have the chance to do sth有機會做…

  6. end hunger結束飢餓

  7. for that's how he regards himself因為那就是他如何看待自己的

  8. work the land耕種土地

  9. a sunburnt face晒黑的臉

  10. in many ways從許多方面來說

  11. struggle for為…而戰/掙扎

  12. the past five decades在過去的五十年

  13. a high output高產量

  14. make it possible to…使…成為可能

  15. graduate from…從…畢業

  16. see the great need for看到了對…的需求

  17. a serious problem一個嚴重的問題

  18. search for尋找

  19. withour expanding the area of fields不擴大農田面積

  20. circulate his knowledge 傳播知識

  21. less developed countries欠發達國家

  22. thanks to幸虧,由於

  23. rid …of…使…擺脫…

  24. twice as large as before是以前的兩倍大

  25. be satisfied with對…滿意

  26. care little about對…很少關心

  27. lead a comfortable life過著舒適的生活

  28. equip…with…用…裝備…

  29. give him less freedom to do sth給他更少的自由…

  30. would rather寧願

  31. no longer不再

  32. play the violin拉小提琴

  33. prefer to更喜歡…

  34. ride his motorcycle騎摩托

  35. awake from從…中醒來

  36. with the hope of帶著…的希望

  37. export rice出口大米

  38. as Dr Yuan proves正如Dr Yuan 所證明的那樣

  39. be suitable for 對…合適

  40. for sale 賣…

  41. chemical fertilizers化肥

  42. get confused感到困惑

  43. take turns輪流

  44. be prepared to準備…

  45. no matter how無論怎樣

  46. refer to 指的是…參考…查閱…

  47. be rich in富含…

  48. be good for對…有好處

  49. reduce diseases減少疾病

  50. the water supply水的供應

  51. year after year一年又一年

  52. as a result結果

  53. get exhuasted感到筋疲力盡

  54. insist on堅持

  55. every two or three years每兩三年

  56. write a summary of…寫…的總結

  57. exchange…with…與…交換…

  58. give each other comments互相評論

  59. be free of遠離…

  60. that is to say那就是說

  Unit 3

  1. silde on a banana skin在香蕉皮上滑倒

  2. bump into someone else撞到別人

  3. round a corner在拐角處

  4. fall down掉下

  5. be cruel to …對…殘忍

  6. at times有時,常常

  7. be content with對…滿意

  8. badly off***worse off*** 貧困

  9. astonish us with the deep feelings用深厚的感情打動…

  10. be born in poverty出生貧寒

  11. become famous for變的有名

  12. a particular from of acting一種特殊的表演方式

  13. his entertaining silent movies他那滑稽的無聲電影

  14. be well-known throughout the world舉世聞名

  15. wear worn-out shoes穿著破鞋子

  16. carry a walking stick拿著手杖

  17. a social failure一個社會生活中的失敗分子

  18. overcome difficulties克服困難

  19. be unkind to sb對…不好

  20. a boiled shoe煮熟的鞋子

  21. the problem facing sb面對某人的問題

  22. thousands of成千上萬

  23. rush there in search of衝向…尋找…

  24. fortunate enough足夠幸運

  25. pick up拾起…/接某人

  26. be caught in a snowstorm遭遇到暴風雪be caught on被…鉤住

  27. on the edge of a mountain在大山邊緣

  28. pick out挑出

  29. cut off切斷,隔絕…

  30. as if似乎,好象

  31. eat every mouthful with great enjoyment每口都吃得津津有味

  32. star in主演…

  33. his lifetime outstanding work他終生傑出的工作

  34. be buried in被埋葬在…

  35. knock into撞到…

  36. think it funny to…覺得滑稽…

  37. play on words說俏皮話

  38. treat it as a question把…當作一個問題

  39. an answer to the question問題的答案

  40. go camping去露營

  41. in a mountainous area在山區

  42. in the open air在戶外

  43. look up at the stars抬頭看著星星

  44. how vast the sky is 天空多麼廣闊

  45. try a third time又試了一次

  46. pay special attention to特別注意…

  47. bring out the humorous meaning指出/闡明幽默的意思

  48. turn into變成…

  49. improve your English vocabulary擴大英語詞彙量

  50. a sense of success成功感,成就感

  Unit 4

  1. on the left side of the chart在圖表的左邊

  2. make notes作筆記

  3. act out表演出來

  4. the purpose of languange語言的目的

  5. give an example舉例

  6. be interested in the development of 對…的發展感興趣

  7. at a major hotel在大酒店

  8. local business people當地商人

  9. represent the Chinese government代表中國政府

  10. look around in a curious way好奇地四處張望

  11. disappoint your boss使老闆失望

  12. an exciting experience一次另人興奮的經歷

  13. closely followed by…後面跟著…

  14. introduce…to…介紹…

  15. approach sb靠近…

  the approach of spring春天的到來

  the approaching examinations即將到來的考試

  16. touch her and kiss her on the cheek吻她的臉頰

  17. step back後退

  18. take a few steps away from離開…退開幾步

  19. at the time as同時…

  20. reach his hand out to伸出手去…

  21. a learned man 有知識的人,有學問的人

  22. in the same way同樣…

  23. spoken language口語

  24. express their feelings表達感情

  25. keep physical distance,保持身體距離

  26. be more likely to很有可能

  27. shake hands with sb與…握手

  28. nod at 對…點頭

  29. avoid difficulty in communication避免交流中的困難

  30. with the help of在…的幫助下

  31. in general 一般而言

  32. actions speak loudr than words行動勝過言語

  33. take action採取行動

  34. be nervous about對…緊張

  35. the comedy show喜劇表演

  36. all kinds of各種各樣

  37. even if即使

  38. speak to對…說話

  39. misunderstand each other互相誤解

  40. be similar to與…相似

  41. turn your back to背對…

  42. show anger顯示憤怒

  43. the universal facial expression通用的臉部表情

  44. be intended to打算…

  45. put …at ease使…放心

  46. lose face丟面子

  47. nod the head up and down點頭

  48. refuse to do something拒絕做…

  49. look away from從…轉過眼神***不看***

  50. hold your arms across your chest雙臂抱胸

  51. turn forward to向前傾…

  52. roll your eyes轉動眼珠

  53. show respect for對…表示尊重

  54. give a hug to擁抱…

  55. be willing to願意…

  56. look direclty at an adult直視一個成人look sb in the eye直視…

  57. tell the truth說實話

  58. be wrong about誤解…

  59. be angry at sb生…氣

  60. be pleased with對…高興/滿意

  Unit 5

  1. a theme park主題公園

  amusement park遊樂園

  2. provide sb with sth提供

  provide sth for sb

  3. amuse oneself自娛自樂,消遣

  4. escape their busy life for a while暫時逃避他們繁忙的生活

  5. share this basic purpose有著共同的基本目的

  6. various ways各種方式a variety of各種各樣,種類繁多

  7. meet this need滿足這種需要

  8. relax a bit稍微放鬆一下

  9. have fun together一起玩得高興

  10. in other ways用別的方式

  11. in recent decades在最近幾十年裡

  12. more than不僅僅

  13. get around四處走動,四處傳開

  14. charge money for adimission收取門票費

  15. make a profit掙錢

  16. not just…but also不僅…而且…

  17. sell souvenirs賣紀念品

  18. advertiste them on television在電視上做廣告

  19.have a certain idea某種特定的思想

  20. be based on以…為基礎

  21. involve… in…使…參與…***介入***

  22. athletic competition運動競賽

  23. the challenge for………的挑戰

  24. a brand of sports equipment某種品牌的運動裝備

  25. along with sneakers隨同運動鞋一起

  26. come to life活躍起來

  27. go for rides去玩…

  28. have our pictures taken讓人替我們拍照***have sth done***

  29. in the clothing of minority people 穿著少數民族人的服裝

  30. name …after…以…命名

  31. a place of fantasy夢幻之地

  32. get close to靠近…

  be close to

  33. the early settlers in America早期美洲移民

  34. marine or ocean parks還有公園

  35.learn about瞭解…

  36. take an active part in experiments積極參加實驗

  37. go on imaginary trips進行虛擬的太空旅行

  38. advanced computer techniques 先進的電腦技術

  39. expeirence life感受生活

  40.a careful test仔細的測試

  41. large amounts of money大量的錢

  42. remind him of the holiday使他想起假日

  43.take a journey deep into space作一次太空旅行

  44. be pulled into a Black Hole被拖進黑洞

  45. survive an airplane crash在墜機事件中倖存

  46. in the jungle在叢林中

  47. mysterious creatures神祕的生物

  48. for a break作為間歇

  49. take part in參加

  50. face to face面對面

  51.the present time當前時間

  52.science and technology-based theme parks 以科技為基礎的主題公園

  53.up-to-date information最新的資訊

  54.hands-on learning實踐性學習

  55.prepare for為…準備

  56.a good combination of fun and learning 娛樂和學習的良好結合

  57.a volunteer guide志願導遊

  58.a theme park of your own choice 你自己選擇的主題公園

  59.point out指出

  60. change … into…把…變成…***把…翻譯成…***