




  ☆ 劍橋真題四test 3:

  22. The ‘Study for Success’ seminar lasts for____.

  分析:題幹中,課程名稱既用了大寫又加了引號,顯而易見是所謂的”高調詞”,所以考生可以毫不猶豫地等待音訊中的原詞重現。 ☆ 劍橋真題五 test 2:

  14. What does Dan say about the town of Rivas?

  分析:題幹中,Rivas是個明顯的專有名詞,應該是一個地名。考試中建議考生將這個詞默讀一下,熟悉其發音,便於聽時定位到這個詞。 ☆ 劍橋真題五 test 2:

  15. What problem did the charity face in August 2000?


  另外一種叫做”低調詞”,即常見的實詞名詞,形容詞,動詞等。相比而言,後者被同義置換的概率要高。☆ 劍橋真題四 test 3:

  23. In the seminar the work on writing aims to improve

  A. confidence

  B. speed

  C. clarity

  分析:這道題目中錄音文字提到一句: … techniques to write clearly. 在此,clearly明顯地為clarity的paraphrase, 這是副詞與名詞間替換的典例。


  所謂強轉折訊號詞,不外乎but, however, yet. 只要是出現這類轉折詞,尤其是but後面的內容一定是考點。這也是幫助考生突破階段性瓶頸至關重要的一點。而許多考生在備考的過程中並未重視這一考點,或者說在聽的過程中沒能夠抓住這一考點,原因是什麼呢?

  造成後者的原因其實很簡單,就是所謂的“強讀”與“弱讀”。以but為例,正常發音是:[bʌt],但考試中音訊經常為[bət], 甚至[bə], 而且速度非常快,導致眾多考生沒法識別出來。一定記住一點:雅思聽力選擇題的套路往往是把A,B,C三個選項分別闡述一下,再轉折,接考點。所以強轉折一定要加以注意。☆ 劍橋真題五 test4

  25. What does Karin think the company will do?

  A. look for private investors

  B. accept a takeover offer

  C. issue some new shares



  Obviously they have the choice of accepting the very favourable terms that another company… have given them to buy them out. Or they could decide on a bolder move and offer some new shares if they wanted. But I think they are more cautious than that and expect that they will start trying to find individuals who’d be prepared to back them with some of the capital they need.

  在這裡,B和C的同義置換均有所出現。buy out即買斷,對應B項的takeover; offer some new shares對應C項。但是下文又都予於否定,重點就在於but之後的內容。所以建議考生在聽力過程中積極識別強轉折訊號詞。正確答案選A。 ☆ 劍橋真題五 test4

  26. How does the tutor suggest the company can recover?

  A. by appointing a new managing director

  B. by changing the way it is organized

  C. by closing some of its retail outlets



  Sometimes there is a simple fix such as changing the guy at the top. If they truly are cautious, then I suspect they will seek to shut down some of their shops. But a more ambitious approach, and one which I think would have more chance of success, would be to alter how they’re running things-the management layers and processes.

  顯而易見,聽力文稿中三個選項都有所提到,changing the guy at the top對應A項,即換掉頭兒;shut down some of their shops即關掉部分零售店,對應C項,但but之後的內容才是我們應重點關注的物件。另外注意選擇題中paraphrase非常活躍,所以三個選項都有所替換,同時but後有較長的插入語成分,注意辨析,正確答案選B。
