



  Once upon a time, there was a poor man who had but few possessions. After meeting some rich men, he wanted to be like one of them. Unable to do so, he was about to throw the little he had into the water. Some bystander said, "What you possess may be little, but you can live on it for a while. Why do you want to throw it into the water?"


  This is similar to what is done by the stupid of the world. People who happen to be ordained men get offerings, which come way below their expectations. What they have cannot equal that received by the high and virtuous ones. They see that those old and virtuous ordained men are supported by the mass of famous people. They want to be on an equal footing with them. Unable to get equality, they feel sorrowful and painful to such a degree as to break their faith.


  This is just like the stupid man who, wanting to be equal with the rich, casts out the precious possessions of his own.






  Once upon a time, a wet nurse was walking along the road with a child in her arms. She became also weary that she fell asleep on the way. Then a man appeared and gave the child some happy pills. Being gluttonous, the child was lured by the good taste and knew nothing about his intentions. The man forthwith stripped the child of his necklace, brooches and garments.


  This is also held to be true with the monks. Intent upon worldly interests and noisy places, those who are greedy for a little gain and support are drawn to temptation while a thief steals their spiritual credit and treasured commandments. They are just like that greedy child whose belongings are taken away by the thief, due to the enticement of some tasteful pills.


