



  Dear Tom,

  I moved to the new town with my parents two months ago. I miss you and friends very much. And I am very unhappy every day. I have many troubles. First, the lessons here are very hard, and what's worse, math is harder than ours and I don't have a right math book. Second, I have no friends here and I don’t know how to talk with the students and teachers. I don't know if they are friendly. I am very upset and don't know what to do. What can I do? Do you have any good ideas for me?

  I'm looking forward to hear from you soon.




  a. 本單元的寫作指導:

  本單元主要是運用should, could這兩個情態動詞來解答同學們在生活中遇到的問題,給出相關的建議。

  我們來複習一下情態動詞的相關用法:情態動詞的詞義並不完整,不能單獨做謂語,兩個情態動詞也不能連用,後面必須連線實義動詞原形來一同做謂語。情態動詞表示說話人對動作或事物的態度和看法,如可能,應該或必要等等。情態動詞通常沒有人稱和數的變化形式,否定形式是在情態動詞後面加not, 疑問形式是將情態動詞提前。should是“應該,應當”的意思,could是“可以,可能”的意思。


  You should save water.

  He could talk with your friends.


  You shouldn't stay at home for a long time.

  You couldn't play computer games again.


  Should I leave now?

  Could you please help me?


  keep out, call sb. up, on the phone, pay for, the same as, in style, out of style, get on, as ... as possible, all kinds of, on the other hand, find out


  What should I do?

  Maybe you should buy some new clothes.

  You could write him a letter.

  I don't think so.

  They are original / comfortable / colorful.

  My friend has nicer clothes than I do.

  I have a problem, and I need your help.

  I don't know why. I can't think what I did wrong.

  I am very upset and don't know what to do.

  There are a lot of things you could do.

  b. 本體裁的寫作指導:








  ***4***在正文的後面可以寫上祝福語或者表達我們的心願。如:I'm looking forward to hearing from you. / Please write to me soon. / Best wishes to you and your parents. / Good luck to you. / Take good care of yourself.


  c. 習作的評價與商榷的意見:


  ***1***此句涉及到主謂一致的情況,做主語的是our friends and I,應視為複數,所以am應改為are。

  ***2***此句的片語為borrow sth. from sb.***從某人那借某物***,所以此處的to應改為from。




  Dear Mike,

  How are you? Our friends and I are very happy to receive your e-mail. We are very sorry to know you have so many troubles and you are not happy at all. There are a lot of things you could do. Frist, you could write e-mails often if you miss us. We could think out many good ideas for you. Second, you should ask your new teachers to help you. And you should study hard. We believe you will be good at it with your teachers' help. Third, you should borrow a math book from your teacher or new classmates, or you could buy a book. Fourth, you should be friendly and smile to others. You can find the new classmates are also friendly and smile to you. You should talk and play with them often. You could make new friends soon.

  Good luck to you.


  Tom and old friends