


  accidental a.意外的,偶爾發生的

  Their accidental meeting led to a renewal of their acquaintance.偶然的相遇使他們重續前緣.

  alternative a.兩者擇一的,供選擇的另類的,他擇性的

  alternative n.取捨,抉擇,供選擇的東西;選擇的餘地

  I couldn't afford the trip to Xinjiang, so I had no alternative but to stay at home this vacation. 不夠錢去新疆旅遊,所以這個假期我只能呆在家裡.

  Have you got an alternative suggestion? 你有沒有其他的建議可選擇?

  career n.生涯,職業

  The technological innovation of recent years have changed the nature of many jobs and influenced the careers of many people.近幾年來的技術改革改變了許多工作的性質並影響著許多人的職業生涯.

  Collision n.碰撞;衝突,牴觸

  In Britian,a collision with the Parliament could ruin the government's plans.在英國,政府與議會的衝突可能使政府的計劃破產

  Concede vi.讓步,認輸 vt.***不情願的***承認,

  Concede vt.承認...為真***或正確*** ***在結果確定前***承認失敗允許,讓與

  The Democratic Party conceded defeat as soon as the election results were known.大選結果一揭曉,民主黨就承認失敗.

  After the First World War Germany conceded its neighbors much valuable land.第一次世界大戰後,德國讓與其鄰國許多寶貴的領土.

  contribution n.貢獻,促成作用;捐款,捐獻物;***投給報刊等的***稿件

  Mr.He Zhenliang has made an important contribution to the Olympic bid.何振樑先生為申奧做出了重大貢獻.

  Custom n.習俗;風俗;慣例[pl.]海關,關稅

  In ancient times the custom of shaking hands served to transfer power or authority. 在古時候,握手的慣例用以表示轉讓力量或權威.

  Devote vt.把...專用於;將...奉獻給

  Nurses devote themselves to the care of the sick.護士致力於護理病人的事業.

  The magazine Nature is devoted to science.《自然》雜誌專門刊載科技文章.

  donation n.捐贈品,捐款;捐贈,贈送'

  Bill Gates made a donation of 100 million U.S.dollars to the Global AIDS and Health Fund.比爾.蓋茨捐贈了1億美元給全球艾滋病健康基金會

  embarrass vt.使窘,使尷尬,使不好意思

  The decline of sales embarrassed the company.銷路下降使公司陷於財政困難.

  It embarrassed him ***He was embarrassed*** when he found he hadn't enough money to invite his girl friend to dinner. 他覺得很尷尬當他發現自己不夠錢請女 友吃晚飯時,

  exlusive a.奢華的,高階的;獨有的,獨享的;排斥的,排他的;

  exlusive a.***~of***不包括...的 n.獨家新聞

  Hair is exclusive in mammals.毛髮是輔乳動物獨有的.

  Some journalists are willing to get the exclusive at any cost.有的記者願意不惜一切的獲取獨家新聞.

  Fiction n.小說

  Truth is often stranger than fiction.真事常常比小說還離奇.

  General n. a.一般的,普通的;總的,全體的;籠統的,大體的

  The Conservative Party failed in the general election for all their pains.儘管保守黨費盡了心機, 還是在大選中遭到了失敗.

  I like games in general,and especially football.各種運動我一般都喜歡,尤其是足球.

  Humble vt.使謙虛,使...卑下

  Humble a.卑賤的,地位***或身份***低下的;謙虛的,謙遜的;簡陋的,低劣的

  Defeat and failure may make people humble.挫折和失敗會使人變得謙卑.

  Infinite a.無窮的,無限的,無邊無際的

  Infinite space surrounds the Earth.地球周圍圍繞著無限的空間.

  judgement n.看法,評價,意見;判斷,判斷力;審判,判決

  As a qualified premier he is a man of good judgement.作為一個很有才幹的,他具有很強的判斷力.

  The judgement was in her favor and she was released from custody. ;判決對她有利,她被當庭釋放.

  Miss n.小姐 vt.未擊中,未達到;未趕上;惦念;未注意到,未明白;避免

  Don't miss our bargain offers!本店大減價,勿矢良機!

  Miss India was honored with Miss Globe for the year 2000.印度小姐榮膺2000年度環球小姐.

  opposite prep/ad.在對面 a.對面的;相反的,對立的 n.對立面,對立物


  It is said that opposites attract. ;都說異性相吸.

  My view is just the opposite.Do you accept opinions opposite to yours?我的觀點正相反,你接受與你的意見相對立的意見嗎?

  performance n.演出,表演.履行,執行;工作情況,表現;工作效能

  Windows 98 has a very satisfactory performance. Windows 98 的效能令人很滿意.

  He is faithful in the performance of his duties.他忠於職守.

  pledge n.保證,誓言 vt.保證,許諾

  Take this gift as a pledge of our friendship.把這個作為我們友誼象徵的禮物收下吧.

  You must be pledged to keeping the secret.你必須誓守祕密.

  Profit n.利潤,收益,益處 vt.有益於,有利於 vi***~by,~from***得益

  We can profit by making mistakes.我們可以從錯誤中得到教益.

  We hope our criticisms and suggestions will profit you.我們希望我們的批評和建 議將對你有所裨益.

  recognition n.認出,識別;承認,確認,認可;賞識,表彰,報償

  Henry Tanner received widespread recognition for his naturalistic painting of plantation life.亨利坦納受到了廣泛的承認,是由於他對種植園生活的自然主義描畫.

  The arms race leads to the recognition by the superpowers that arms talks must be resumed.軍備競賽使超級大國認識 到必須重開軍備談判.

  Reflect v.反射,映現;反映,顯示;深思,反省,考慮

  Baseball reflects America's history, just as Roslyn Mazer put it.羅斯林.馬澤爾說過,棒球反映出美國的歷史.

  A child's bad behavior reflects on his home training.孩子的壞行為可歸咎於家教不嚴.

  sacrifice n.犧牲,捨身;葬品;獻祭,供奉

  A mother would sacrifice her life for her children.母親為自己的孩子操勞一生.

  Shock n.震動,衝擊;震驚,驚鄂;休克;電震,電擊 v.***使***震驚

  It was a great shock for him when his wife died.妻子的死對他是一種沉重的打擊.

  I was shocked when I heard about your accident.當我聽到你出事後我很震驚.

  Talk vi.講話,談論,交談 vt.講,說,談論

  Talk n.談話,會講;講演,講話;會談;閒話,流言蜚語

  I hate talk and no action.我討厭光有一大堆空話而無實際行動.

  Peace talks between the two sides will be held again in Seoul soon.雙方不久將在漢城重開和談.

  True a.真實的,確實的;真正的;真的;忠實的,忠誠的;正確的,精確的

  It is true that the city can provide much convenience and entertainment, which is the very reason why people can't bear to part with city life. 確實,城市能提供許多方便和娛樂,這正是人們為什麼不願放棄城市生活的主要原因.

  Variety n.品種,種類; 變化,多樣性,多樣化

  The secretary complained that her paperwork lacked variety.祕書抱怨她的文書工作缺少變化.

  Watch n.表;看管,監視

  Watch v.注視,觀看;看守,監視,照看;小心,當心

  You have to watch it when you step onto the ice.你走上冰面時一定要留神了!

  Keep watch against thieves!謹防小偷!