





  農夫:I’m a farmer.***稍停頓***[走兩步]A modern farmer.***掏出墨鏡戴上***[冷酷地走兩步,突然被絆了一跤,回頭生氣地踢了下絆自己的石頭,繼續保持冷酷]When I was yong,I studied in Nan~tong Middle School[掏出胸卡驕傲地展示給觀眾看,收起]!So I’m rich now![開始展示名牌,邊說邊掏]Look!This is my modern mobile——Motorola WC 250!This is my Swatch!This my MP3!This is my shoes——ADI~DAS!This is… [不經意地掏出一個蘋果]Oh,sorry. And look at this![從懷裡掏出癢癢撓] Do U know what’s this?癢癢撓?No no no~~It’s my modern——鋤頭~!![看下錶]It’s time to do some farming![開始彎下腰做出鋤地的動作,鋤了兩下,突然] Oh yes!I think farming should be combined with music![掏出MP3戴上,開始很有激情地邊鋤地邊唱]Farming farming,I’m farming!Farming should be combined with music~!Farming farming,I’m farming!Farming will be funny and easy~![邊唱邊鋤邊慢慢下臺,把沒用的道具拿走,把有用的道具準備在口袋裡] [樹走上前臺]

  樹:I’m a tree!I can do many things!I can sing![做出瘋狂搖滾歌手的動作,邊做邊唱:哼哼哈西!!!]I can dance![跳四小天鵝]I’m tall!And I’m Strong!IF you hit me,you will 掛掉!Oh?There comes a rabbit! [引導觀眾看兔子A***。樹站回後臺]


  兔子A***一開始不知道狀況。以為自己扮演周杰倫,所以很熱情地上場跟觀眾打招呼***:Hey everybody,I’m Jay!I love U!I love Nantong![展示新專輯《十一月的肖邦》]Now let me sing one of my new songs to U!The name of the song is 《發如雪》![清清嗓子正要唱,這時候導演***範冰***上]

  導演:[拿手中紙筒狠狠打了下兔子A的頭]What are U doing?! Now U are a rabbit,understand?![兔子A:Sorry sorry sorry] [導演邊說邊奪過《十一月的肖邦》。導演下臺之前,下《十》] What’s this?[看,驚喜地]Oh!It’s mine!***很興奮地拿著下場***

  兔子A:OK,now I’m a rabbit. I just had my breakfast. Now I’m just walking around here. I think walking after meals is good for my health. [在場上轉圈,悠閒散步]


  農夫:***驚喜地***Lunch![扔掉癢癢撓]I will catch it! [偷偷摸摸地跟到兔子後面走]


  兔子A:Wahhhh~!***嚇一跳***What’s this!

  農夫:Hnnnn…!I will kill U for lunch!

  兔子A:But your gun… [幫農夫把槍頭調轉過來***農夫一開始把槍對著自己***]

  農夫:Thank you!

  兔子A:My pleasure. ***突然想起來農夫要殺自己*** Wah~~~~~~ [兔子跑,躲到樹後面,農夫追到樹前]

  農夫:Where~ to go? Haha!

  [農夫開了一槍“砰”。兔子在樹後驚慌躲閃,沒被打到。樹做出受傷中彈狀。 農夫又開槍,同上。農夫開始加快頻率,火力密集地開槍。兔子開始時驚慌躲閃,躲著躲著跳起舞來。樹繼續痛苦中彈狀。]

  兔子A[自我陶醉中,邊跳邊說]You didn’t hurt me! You didn’t hurt me!

  樹:[痛苦萬分地]But…U…Hurt me….[痛苦地慢慢挪動到兔子背後]

  [兔子繼續興奮地跳舞。農夫停止開槍,走到兔子面前,看著它。 兔子猛然抬頭髮現]

  農夫:Ah ha~! Bye bye ! [舉槍對準兔子,開槍,沒聲音,看看槍,示意沒子彈了。兔子見狀,非常興奮地大笑起來]

  兔子A:Ha ha ha ha! You can’t kill me now! [興奮大笑,笑到抽筋,笑到後仰。突然頭撞倒了後面的樹] Wa ![兔子暈兩下~~ “我倒!” 倒地]

  農夫:OH! [很興奮地過去兩個手指提起兔子]My lunch , I caught you !!! [想一下] But I’m still full now.Let me tie it to the tree and have a sleep.I will eat it after sleeping.[把兔子綁到樹上。倒地睡到樹旁邊]


  兔子A:[兔子很快醒了,看看四周,發現自己被綁了,很驚訝]Where am I? What happened?

  樹:[指著農夫]He caught you and wanted to eat you.

  兔子A:What?! I must leave here! But how can I escape?[東張西望,看到農夫的手機]

  [兔子不知不覺地把樹杈移開,走到手機前看]咦?What’s this?[撿起來看]Oh,a mobile.[再看]It’s beautiful.[放回原處。 又自覺地把自己綁在樹上。 突然想起來]A mobile!Maybe I can call some one to help me! [又不知不覺地把自己放出來,那起手機] But how to use it???

  樹:[走上前]Let me tell U.Look,press this button![給兔子]

  兔子A:Oh I see. [做出打電話的樣子] 喂?

  李詠:[上臺,激情澎湃地] Hello!This is lucky fifty-two![做出幸運52的手勢]I’m Liyong!Now let’s start our first question!What’s the most probable relation between 康熙 and 雍正? A. Husband and wife B.Teacher and student C.Waiter and costomer Answer me,please!

  兔子A:***很冷漠地***Sorry, wrong number.[掛掉]

  李詠:Answer me!Answer me! En..?喂?喂喂?[很鬱悶地下臺]

  兔子A:Now let me call again.[撥打] 喂?


  兔子A:Hey Jackey!

  兔子B:Hey tommy!

  兔子A:How are you doing?

  兔子B:Fine,thank you.And U?

  兔子A:I’m fine too!How are your parents doing?

  兔子B:They are fine,thank you.And U?

  兔子A:They are fine,too!How is your uncle doing?

  兔子B:He’s fine,thank you!And U?

  兔子A:He’s fine , too!

  兔子B:But why do you call me? If you want borrow some money from me…NO WAY!!!

  兔子A:No no no!I’m in danger now!Come and help me!!!

  兔子B:But where are you?

  兔子A:I’m under a tree!

  兔子B:[邊打電話邊在附近走,經過兔子A面前,兩個人還沒發現]What can you see around you?

  兔子A:I see a rabbit ,rather like you!

  兔子B:A rabbit…rather like me… OK! I’ll soon come!Wait for me! I will help you! [匆匆離開]

  [兔子A 打完電話,小心翼翼地把手機放回農夫處,還很有禮貌地說了句“Thank you.” 然後又很自覺地把自己綁回了樹上]

  兔子A:Hahaha!My friend will come and save me,yeah! [興奮過度,後仰,頭又撞倒樹上,昏眩中…“我暈!” 又暈了]***

  [兔子B上。]兔子B:I’m also rabbit!I’m clever! I’m brave ! And I’m strong! [展示肌肉] OH!My friend is here!Let me help him out! [費力地想把樹枝***雙臂***挪開,使了幾次勁,還是不行] It’s too tight! I must think of a good way! [看到農夫扔掉的癢癢撓] Let’s see,what’s this!A 鋤頭![裝作打高爾夫球,試了試鋤頭手感]Oh,it’s nice.[走到樹面前,正要砍]

  樹:Stop!!!What will you do?

  兔子B:I will cut you down to save my friend.

  樹:O. [突然醒悟] What?! Cut me down?! Teachers told us that we should protect the environment! Understand?!

  兔子B:Oh yes!You are right! [扔掉鋤頭] I have to think of another idea! [想了想] Oh!![靈感突來][看手錶] Oh it’s time to do morning exercise !Come on! [開始帶頭做早操。做著做著對樹說“Follow me!” ***企圖讓樹動起來,兩隻手鬆開,這樣就可以救出兔子A***樹也開始跟著做起早操。兔子B輕輕上前,想救出兔子A。但是樹的廣播操動作恰好都是會擋住營救的。兔子B狂汗… -_-b 廣播操畢。樹繼續綁著兔子A]

  兔子B:Why?! Maybe I need another idea. Oh!I’v got it!Music! [音響放起泰坦尼克號主題曲高潮前奏。兔子B抱住樹,企圖引導樹像女主角一樣張開雙臂,放出兔子A。樹漸漸陶醉,手緩緩鬆開。兔子B正要搭救同伴,突然兔子A兩隻手張開,成了女主角動作。樹又抱住了兔子A的腰,成了男主角動作。樹和A陶醉其中。B要喚醒A:“Wake up!Wake up!”

  兔子A沉醉其中,完全不理它,還用腳踹走要救它的B:“Don’t disturb me!”繼續陶醉。]

  兔子B:***無奈ing…***Stop!!!***音樂停*** ***沮喪***I can’t save my friend…[掏出紙巾想要擦汗,帶出10塊錢,掉在地上]


  兔子A:[看四周] I’m free!!!Oh yes,I’m free!Thank you,Jackey! [慢動作深情撲向兔子B] Jackey~~~~ [突然兔子B低頭繫鞋帶。兔子A控制不住一下子撞在樹上,暈兩下說:“暴頭!”死翹。] [兔子B見狀衝上去,深情地摟住A:“Tommy!Tommy!”[傷心地俯下身子,緊緊抱住A]


  兔子B:I…can’t….breath……I’m dying!!!! [也翹了]

  農夫:[農夫這時候醒了。擦了下口水,看見兩隻兔子] En..?Two rubbits! I rememer I have caught just one?! Oh,maybe I drank too much.


  樹:[還在驗鈔的樹正在高興,突然發現是假鈔]A!It’s a fake!Wait for me![追下去]


  Character :小人魚、王子、巫婆、龍王、龍母、公主、牧師、人魚姐姐***5人***旁白、群眾演員***舞***


  旁白:Deep in the sea ,there lived the sea king ,who had been a widower for many years and his aged mother kept house for him and took care of his six daughters ,who were very happy and pretty .She always told them something :

  龍母:The flowers of the land are beautiful ,and trees of the forest are green ,and birds can sing so sweetly

  女兒們:When can we rise up out of the sea ?

  龍母: when you have reached your fifteenth year !You can see the rocks in the moon light ,while the great slips are sailing by; and then you will see both forests and towns.

  女兒們:oh how wonderful !

  旁白:How time flies ! Five of these daughters had reached out of the sea , and saw many beautiful things.

  大女兒:oh , what a beautiful day !I can hear the music ,I can play with ship .I see the big animals on the shore. That’s horse !

  二女兒:wa ho … The sun looks like a flower .The color of the sun is red .Who painted the wonderful sun ?

  三女兒:where is it? Oh I rise up .I see the children playing on shore .I want to play with them.

  四女兒:oh ,I arrive another world .It is different from my home .But I’m afraid of whales.

  五女兒:What a surprise! All the world is white .In the deep sea, there are many kinds of flowers .but why there are many white flowers. Oh, no! It’s snow.

  大女兒:Although the scene is wonderful .But our home is the best .

  女兒們:Yes…We must go home !


  旁白:Today ,the youngest daughter was fifteen, too.

  小人魚:Oh, I can rise out of the sea .What’s that ?Maybe it is an interesting thing ? Oh, on ! It’s a man .But why he lies on the shore .Wake up! Wake up…

  王子:Where am I ? What’s wrong ?

  小人魚:You met a storm .So I brought you here !

  王子:so you have saved me ?

  小人魚:yes !

  王子:what’ s your name ?

  小人魚:my name is summary.

  旁白:they have been together for several days and now they fall in love with each other .but they have to part.

  王子:I must go home .the people need me ! I want to take you with me!

  小人魚:***crying***no, I ’ m just a fish. If I have a chance .I ‘be a human being . Remember me!


  小人魚:dear father and grandmother I have fallen in love with a human being .I want to be with him !

  龍王:no way ! You are a fish .he is a human being !If you go with him .you will not be happy .

  龍母:that’s right ,my dear !It is not possible!

  小人魚:***crying***dad , grandmother I beg you ! I beg you !



  小人魚:what should I do?

  巫婆:ha …Ha…I can help you .

  小人魚:who are you ?

  巫婆:I am a witch. I change you into a human being .But cut your tongue as a payment .

  小人魚:***think for a while***ok . I’ll do it!


  牧師:prince , are you pleased to marry the princess and love her forever?

  王子:yes , I will.

  牧師:and princess, are you pleased to marry the prince and share the happiness and sorrow with him ?

  公主:yes, I am***a little shy***

  牧師:change the rings .ok . Now you have got married ,you should take care of each other from now on! Amen!

  小人魚:***crying***oh , I am the most unhappy girl. Ah , my god……….***crying ***


  Time ancient times. Character Mister Dongguo, wolf, hunter, old

  apricot tree, Lao Niu, old farmer." In wilderness the mist and dust is

  billowing, shouts the acoustic shock day. In shouted that, " fight wolves!pursues ***a wolf belt arrow wound to go on stage***

  wolf: I originally am come from the north wolf, but in today the arrow was injured ***wolf lamely to run*** [ Mister Dongguo to carry on the book pouch, on the one hand walks on the other hand self-effacingly recites poetry.***

  Guo: From a pot of wine among the flowers I drank alone. There was no one with me -- Till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moon To bring me my shadow and make us three.

  ***Between the flower a pot liquor, drinks alone without the intimate. Raises glass invites the bright moonlight, becomes three people to the shade*** ***suddenly to discover on road crowd of ants, heart of the mercy, has lifted a foot does not endure to lay down***

  Guo: ***Reads*** walks not injuries the cricket 蟻命 manner to have to have the mercy heart ***cautiously to bypass ant, after continues to lead the way***

  ***field shout big quake*** 

  Guo: What happened next? The United States military has joined battle with Iraq? ***Wolf runs has come up*** the

  wolf: The adult saves a life, behind had a hunter to have to peel my skin, rescued me!

  Guo: Good good, is the person to want to be sincere ***was saying behind, dismounts the package, all but actually came out the inside book***

  Guo: You first hide in this package ***wolf lamely sneak in package*** ***Mister Dongguo to carry book pouch, continues to walk*** ***on hunter*** the hunter asks

  Guo: Ask scholar's, has seen the wolf which was injured to pass a moment ago?

  Guo: Not.

  Hunter: Thanks gentleman. After ***under hunter*** ***waits hunter to walk far, Mister Dongguo put wolf from book pouch has gotten down***

  Guo: The hunter walked, you in a big hurry escape the

  wolf: Is not I does not want to walk, I really am tired hungry

  Guo: What then you do want to eat?

  Wolf: I must eat your meat! ! ***Reveals fierce and antagonistic expression***

  Guo: Why then you do want to eat me? I have graciousness and you

  Wolf: Because you me stuffily in book pouch too long

  Guo: Really is the good intention not good newspaper. Is not good, I must go ask the person to figure out! ***Said, brings wolf to go*** ***to walk to an old tree under***

  Guo: Sets up eldest sister, I rescued the wolf, the wolf have actually had to eat me. You to me comment this principle!

  Tree: Should eat! ***Wolf self-satisfied has smiled*** the tree: Your humanity endlessly cutted the piece of trees, continually our these old trees do not let off, burns us with the fire. Why can't the wolf eat you? Ate you to be able few individual to damage the nature ***under old tree, wolf slowly approached Mister Dongguo*** ***by now on cow***

  Guo: Holds on a minute, lets me ask Niu eldest brother

  Guo: Eldest brother Niu, my good intention has rescued this wolf, now it actually must eat me. Should you said? Cow: This! Our Lao Niu gives birth to must do this for your humanity to do that, drinks or our milk. But we only eat the worst fodder every day, rest the worst cowshed, you also had to dig up our cowhide to make money. The old wolf should eat you.

  Wolf: ***Sneers***. Looked you also have any flattery ***under cow*** ***on farmer***

  Guo: And so on one and so on, the distant place has come an old farmer. Asks him to figure out, if he said you should eat me, I have complied with.

  Wolf: Good, I give you last the opportunity.

  Guo: The old uncle, I has rescued this wolf, it actually ungratefully must eat me. You said this makes sense? The farmer asks the wolf: Why did you want to eat your savior? Wolf: He too has been stuffily long me in the book pouch, almost suffocates me ***farmer to take up book pouch, about about looks at*** the farmer: Was this book pouch such small, how many installs the book all not to be able to install, how installed under you? Or you demonstrate to me have a look?

  Wolf: The demonstration ***said on the demonstration, earth-boring auger has leisurely gone in*** the farmer to settle on the time, grips tightly the book pouch mouth, ties up with the string. The wolf on is stranded in the inside farmer: Silly scholar, the wild animal eventually is a wild animal, could not change natural disposition. Is the person surely not to be able to be excessively benevolent! Guo: ***Nod name is*** indeed indeed, declines office due to old age the uncle to teach the farmer: Then the present, we "solved" it ***say. Two people treat the book pouch to pummel, the farmer also uses the hoe to pound the wolf. The wolf sends out the sorrowful bugle call in inside, one could not not then have the sound of something astir*** ***farmer and Mister Dongguo shook

  hand, separates from each other***

  The curtain falls, all actor goes on stage.

  時間 古代。

  人物 東郭先生、狼 、獵人、老杏樹,老牛、老農。”







  郭: From a pot of wine among the flowers

  I drank alone. There was no one with me --

  Till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moon

  To bring me my shadow and make us three.



  郭: ***念***走路莫傷螻蟻命













  獵人問郭: 請問秀才,剛才看見一隻受傷的狼過去了嗎?



















  郭: 且慢,讓我去問問牛大哥


















