



  Would you give me a call?

  Could you call me?

  Can you ring me up?你今天晚上如果能給我打個電話的話,我將非常感激。

  I'd appreciate it if you could call me tonight.

  I'd appreciate it if you could call me tonight.***你今天晚上如果能給我打個電話的話,我將非常感激。

  I'd be glad to.***我非常願意。***請關小點兒聲。

  Please turn it down. *turn down 是“關小”電視、收音機等的聲音。另外關於turn還有以下幾種用法。

  turn up***開大〈電視、收音機等〉的聲音。***

  turn off***關上〈電視、收音機等〉***

  turn on***開啟〈電視、收音機等〉***

  Would you please turn it down? *比較有禮貌的說法。

  Would you please turn it down?***能把聲音關小點嗎?***

  All right.***好吧!***

  Not so loud, please.

  Please lower the volume.

  It's too loud. Turn it down.***太吵了,關小點聲。*** *帶有命令的語感。等我回來。

  Wait here until I get back.

  Please wait here for me.勞駕。

  Excuse me. *用於向不認識的人打招呼時。是一句很常用的口語。

  Excuse me.***勞駕。***

  Can I help you?***有事嗎?***

  Pardon me.喂,你!

  Hello, there!

  Hi, there!喂!

  Hey! *表示呼籲、喜悅、吃驚等。口氣有些傲慢無禮,所以對不認識的人最好用Excuse me.


  Hey, you!

  Say! *比較舊的說法。