
注音 ㄗㄨㄛˇ ㄓ 一ㄡˋ ㄔㄨˋ

拼音 zuǒ zhī yòu chù




⒈  本指射箭時左臂撐弓、屈右臂扣弦之法。後轉指應付了左面,右面又感到不夠。表示財力或能力不足,窮於應付。

not have enough money to cover the expenses; be unable to cope with a situation; be in straitened circumstances;

左右逢源:  比喻做事情得心應手。英be able to achieve success one way oranother;⒉  比喻辦事圓滑。英gain advantage from both sides;

左右開弓:  雙手都能射箭。喻左邊一下、右邊一下做同一動作。英shoot first with one hand,then with the other; shoot first to one side,then to the other; to draw the bow both on the left and right;

綽有餘裕:  《孟子·公孫丑下》:“我無官守,我無言責也,則吾進退豈不綽綽然有餘裕哉?”趙歧注:“進退自由,豈不綽綽然舒緩有餘裕乎?綽、裕,皆寬也。”後因以“綽有餘裕”形容態度從容、不慌不忙。⒉  用以形容寬裕、富餘。

盡如人意:  事情完全符合人的心願;事與願合。英have one’s wish fulfilled;

遊刃有餘:  比喻做事熟練,解決問題輕鬆利落。語出《莊子·養生主》:“恢恢乎,其於遊刃必有餘地矣!”例就叫他兼了營務處的會辦,他也遊刃有餘。——《官場維新記》英do sth.with skill and ease as one who handles a butcher's cleaver expertly;