注音 ㄊㄨㄟ ㄒ一ㄣ ㄓˋ ㄈㄨˋ
拼音 tuī xīn zhì fù
▸ 明爭暗鬥 ▸ 疑鬼疑神 ▸ 居心叵測 ▸ 甜言蜜語 ▸ 爾虞我詐 ▸ 勾心鬥角 ▸ 不可告人 ▸ 巧言令色 ▸ 鉤心鬥角 ▸ 笑裡藏刀 ▸ 虛與委蛇
⒈ 推己赤心,置於他人之腹,比喻以至誠待人。
英treat others with utmost sincerity; confide in sb.; show the greatest confidence; repose full confidence in sb.;
明爭暗鬥: 公開場合和暗地裡都在爭鬥不息,較量不止。喻矛盾之深。英both open strife and veiled struggle; fight with both open and secret means;
疑鬼疑神: 見“疑神疑鬼”。
居心叵測: 心存險詐,難以預測。英with hidden intent;
甜言蜜語: 投合心意的好聽的話,多指為討好人或哄騙人而說的。例大多數人愛聽甜言蜜語。英honeyed words and phrases; oily tongue; glib talk;
爾虞我詐: 互相詐騙。英each trying to cheat or outwit the other;
勾心鬥角: 指用心計、耍心眼,明爭暗鬥,相互排擠。例業主們勾心鬥角。這個人雖然年輕,卻善用心計,平日裡禁不住會幹些勾心鬥角的勾當,所以人緣很壞。英plot and wrangle; confront and intrigue against each other and get locked in strife;
不可告人: 不能告訴別人,多用以形容邪惡的目的等。英secret act; ulterior; motive that cannot be admitted;
巧言令色: 用動聽的言語和偽善的面目取悅於人。例巧言令色,鮮矣仁。——《論語·學而》英artful words and insinuating countenance;
鉤心鬥角: 原指宮室構築得交錯而緻密,今亦指人之間算計與爭鬥。例五步一樓,十步一閣;廊腰縵畫,簷牙高啄;各抱地勢,鉤心鬥角。——唐·杜牧《阿房宮賦》統治集團內部總是矛盾重重,鉤心鬥角,爭權奪利,誰都想把別人推倒,由自己獨佔一切。英plot and wrangle; manoeuver for position against rivals;
笑裡藏刀: 形容外貌和善,內心狠毒。例這是笑裡藏刀,言清行濁的人。——《水滸傳》英velvet paws hide sharp claws; cover the dagger with smile; daggers hiden behind smiles; There are daggers in man' s smile;
虛與委蛇: 委蛇:隨順,應付。假意跟人附和,敷衍應付。例鄉吾示之以未始出吾宗,吾與之虛與委蛇。——《莊子·應帝王》不磨虛與委蛇,正在子耐厭之時。——《鄰女語》英pretend politeness and compliance;