
注音 一ㄠˊ ㄑ一ˊ ㄋㄚˋ ㄏㄢˇ

拼音 yáo qí nà hǎn




⒈  搖動旗子吶喊為別人助陣。喻為他人助長聲勢。

wave flags and shout battle cries; bang the drum for sb.,sound the clarion;

鳴金收兵:  用敲鑼等發出訊號撤兵回營。

偃旗息鼓:  放倒軍旗,停止擊鼓。指祕密行軍,不暴露目標。也指停止戰鬥。比喻停止做某事。例突厥受詔,則諸蕃君長必相率而來。雖偃旗息鼓,高枕有餘矣。——《舊唐書·裴光庭傳》英call off the army maneuvers; cease(stop) all military activities and lie low; lower the flags and silence the drums;

鴉雀無聲:  安靜,無一點聲息。例裡面依然鴉雀無聲。英silence reigns and not a crow or sparrow can be heard;

不動聲色:  不說話,也不表露感情的變化,形容沉著、鎮靜。英do not bat an eyelid; do not turn a hair; show one's feelings neither in voices nor in facial expressions; stay calm and collected;