
注音 ㄌㄜˋ ㄕㄢˋ ㄏㄠˋ ㄕ

拼音 lè shàn hào shī




⒈  謂樂於行善,喜好施捨。


samaritanism; love to do philanthropic work;

傷天害理:  形容極端殘忍狠毒,毫無人性。例這個人也太傷天害理了!怎麼拿他老子的屍首暴露一番,來做這個勾當?——清·吳趼人《二十年目睹之怪現狀》英do things offensive to God and reason;

巧取豪奪:  用陰謀詭計或幕後操縱而獲得或達成;特指以不正當方法取得錢財。英work the oracle;

敲詐勒索:  利用職權或抓住別人的把柄用威脅手段逼取他人財物。亦作:敲榨勒索。

群魔亂舞:  比喻許多壞人猖狂活動。英pandemonium; evil spirits of all kinds dance in a riotous revelry a host of demons dancing in riotous revelry—rogues of all kinds running wild;

無惡不作:  什麼壞事都幹。英stop at nothing in doing evil; do not shrink from any crimes; stop at no evil;

玩火自焚:  玩弄火者,自身遭焚。比喻作惡多端的人終無好下場。英whoever plays with fire will perish by fire; he who plays with fire will get burned;

一毛不拔:  連一根毛也不肯拔,比喻為人非常吝嗇自私。英be very stingy and unwilling to give a hair;

打家劫舍:  成夥到人家裡搶劫。劫,搶劫。例打家劫舍的強盜。英loot; to raid homes and plunder houses;

勒索敲詐:  勒索:強行索取財物。利用別人的把柄或自己的權勢,以威脅強迫手段向人索取財物。

下井投石:  同“落井下石”。比喻乘人之危加以陷害。

喪盡天良:  天良:良心。形容惡毒到了極點。英utterly devoid of conscience; be entirely heartless;

敲骨吸髓:  語本《景德傳燈錄·菩提達磨》:“昔人求道,敲骨取髓,刺血濟飢”。後比喻殘酷地剝削。