
注音 ㄦˇ ㄩˊ ㄨㄛˇ ㄓㄚˋ

拼音 ěr yú wǒ zhà




⒈  互相詐騙。

each trying to cheat or outwit the other;

推誠相見:  以至誠之心與人相處交往。英deal with sb. in good faith; treat sb. with sincerity;

開誠相見:  對人坦誠真切。英be open-hearted with;

同心協力:  為了共同的目的或為取得一致的效果而統一思想、共同努力。例敵對的政黨在這個行動上是同心協力的。英be of a (one) mind; make concerted efforts; work in full cooperation and with unity of purpose; unite all efforts for common purpose;

披肝瀝膽:  披:開啟,瀝:滴下。比喻開誠相見,也比喻極盡忠誠。例披肝瀝膽,晝歌夜吟。——《隋書·李德林傳》英open up one’s heart; (fig) be loyal and faithful;

同甘共苦:  同享幸福安樂,共度艱難困苦。例官兵一致,同甘共苦。英share weal and woe with; share with sb. through thick and thin; go through storm and stress together with;

肝膽相照:  肝與膽關係密切,互相照應。比喻互相之間坦誠交往共事。例所恃知己肝膽相照,臨書不憚傾倒。——宋·文天祥《與陳察院文龍書》如今承老弟你問到這句話,我兩個一見氣味相投,肝膽相照,我可瞞不上你來。——《兒女英雄傳》英show utter devotion to sb.; be loyal-hearted;

推心置腹:  推己赤心,置於他人之腹,比喻以至誠待人。英treat others with utmost sincerity; confide in sb.; show the greatest confidence; repose full confidence in sb.;


推心致腹:  見“推心置腹”。

分甘共苦:  亦作“分甘同苦”。⒉  分享幸福,同擔艱苦。

風雨同舟:  在狂風暴雨中同船共渡。比喻患難與共,同舟共濟。英stand together through thick and thin; people in the same boat should help each other in distress;

開誠佈公:  坦率誠懇,真心相待。英openminded;

同床異夢:  同“同床各夢”。