
注音 ㄨㄟˋ ㄒ一ˇ ㄅㄨˋ ㄑ一ㄢˊ

拼音 wèi xǐ bù qián




⒈  畏懼膽怯,不敢前進。

自告奮勇:  自願請求擔任某種艱鉅的工作。英offer to undertake; come forward of one’s own accord; volunteer to do sth.;

馬不停蹄:  奔波忙碌,不得休息。比喻時刻不停頓地前進。英continuous; hurried journey without a stop;

奮不顧身:  勇往直前,不顧惜自身安危。例常思奮不顧身,以殉國家之急。——漢·司馬遷《報任少卿書》英dash ahead regardless of one's safety; be daring regardless of personal danger;

無所畏懼:  大膽;毫不懼怕地面對險情和難題,迎著困難上。例膽小一些的人可能會猶豫,而他完全是無所畏懼的。英fearless; daring; dauntless; bold;

一往無前:  一直向前,無所阻擋。形容不怕困難,奮勇前進。英press forward with indomitable will;

知難而進:  不怕困難,敢於迎著困難前進。英press forward in the face of difficulties;

挺身而出:  遇險臨危,奮身勇出,負起重任。英step forward boldly; stand up and volunteer to help; fling oneself into the breach;

勇往直前:  毫無畏懼地一直向前。例從俱摩拳擦掌,個個勇往直前。——《封神演義》英strike bravely forward; go ahead boldly; advance courageously;