
注音 ㄔㄨㄛˋ ㄔㄨㄛˋ 一ㄡˇ ㄩˊ

拼音 chuò chuò yǒu yú




⒈  綽綽:寬裕。形容非常寬裕,用不完。

it's more than enough;

鞭不及腹:  及:到。原意是鞭子雖長,也不能打馬肚子。比喻相隔太遠,力量達不到。

鞭長莫及:  本意為馬鞭雖長,但打不到馬肚子上。喻雖有力,力量亦達不到。例雖鞭之長,不及馬腹。——《左傳·宣公十五年》英although the whip is long,it does not reach the horse's belly——cannot do it much as one would like do;⒉  後用以喻力不能及。亦作“鞭不及腹”

寅吃卯糧:  今年吃掉了明年的口糧,比喻入不敷出,預先支用了以後的收入。亦稱“寅支卯糧”例我有差使的時候,己是寅支卯糧的了。——《二刻拍案驚奇》英eat next year’s food this year; be forced to borrow today's food against to morrow's income;

捉襟見肘:  衣服破爛,拉一下衣襟就露出胳膊肘兒,比喻生活困難或處境窘迫。英have too many difficulties to cope with; pull down one's jacket to conceal the raggedness,only to expose one's albows;

鞭長不及:  亦作“鞭長不及馬腹”。

入不敷出:  收入不夠支出。指開銷大。例入不敷出的處境。英unable to make ends meet;

衣不蔽體:  衣服破爛遮不住身體。形容極端貧困。

百孔千瘡:  到處是孔洞和瘡口。比喻破壞嚴重或毛病很多。例漢氏以來,群儒區區修補,百孔千瘡,隨亂隨失,其危如一發引千鈞。——唐·韓愈《與孟尚書書》我有差使的時候,已是寅支卯糧的了;此刻沒了差使才得幾個月,已經弄得百孔千瘡,背了一身虧累。——《二十年目睹之怪現狀》英be afficted with all ills; be full of sores and ulcers; be heavily damaged; riddled with gaping wounds;

杯水輿薪:  亦作“杯水車薪”。

衣衫襤褸:  見“衣衫藍縷”。

杯水車薪:  用一杯水去撲滅一車燃燒的柴草。比喻力量太小,無濟於事。例猶以一杯水,救一車薪之火也。——《孟子·告子上》英a cup of water can't put out the fire on a carload of wood; try to put out a burning cartload of faggots with a cup of water—an utterly inadequate measure;