
注音 ㄌ一ㄢˊ ㄆ一ㄢ ㄌㄟˇ ㄉㄨˊ

拼音 lián piān lěi dú




⒈  牘:古代寫字用的竹、木簡。形容文字冗長羅嗦。


an endless assortment of articles; column after column; keep on repeating the insipid talk; lengthy and tedious writings; pages and pages of persiflage;

惜墨如金:  指繪畫、做文章等不輕易落筆,力求精煉。例李營丘惜墨如金。——宋·費樞《釣磯立談》英(of a writer,calligrapher,painter) abstemious of his use of ink;

刪繁就簡:  刪去繁雜的,使文字簡明。英simplify sth. by cutting out the superfluous; simplify the complicated material; reduce to bare essentials;

片言隻語:  簡單的幾句話,零碎的文字材料,也指簡短的文字。例片言隻字,不關其間。——晉·陸機《謝平原內史表》英a phase or two;

要言不煩:  要:簡要。煩:煩瑣。指說話簡明扼要。英give the essentials in simple language; important statement need not be prolix;

片紙隻字:  指零碎的文字材料或簡短的書信。英half a word; fragments of writing;

短小精悍:  身材短小而精明強幹。例短小精悍姿,屹然強寇敵。——唐·杜甫《贈王思禮》英not of imposing stature but strong and capable;⒉  後形容文章、言論等簡短有力。例《你我》原想寫一篇短小精悍的東西。——朱自清《你我》自序。英short and pithy; terse and forceful;⒊  隊伍人少但強而有力。例一支短小精悍的偵察隊。

三言兩語:  用幾句話。例這事不是三言兩語能說清楚的。英in a few words;⒉  簡短地說。例她總是圍著圍裙走來走去,三言兩語地跟每一個人交談。英short;

言簡意賅:  語言雖精練簡潔,但已概括要義。英words are few,but they contain profound truth; be precise and to the point;

片言隻字:  少量的文字。

簡明扼要:  謂簡單明白,抓住要點。