
注音 ㄌㄟˊ ㄌ一ˋ ㄈㄥ ㄒ一ㄥˊ

拼音 léi lì fēng xíng




⒈  像雷那樣猛烈,像風那樣快。比喻聲勢猛烈,行動迅速。

積重難返:  積存的問題或陋習很深,難以改變。英bad old practices die hard; it is difficult to get rid of deep-rooted practices; ingrained habits cannot be cast off overnight;

拖泥帶水:  形容在泥濘道路上行走的狀貌。比喻辦事拖沓不爽快或語言不簡明扼要。英messy; sloppy; slovenly; drag through mud and water;

和風細雨:  比喻耐心地和顏悅色地批評或勸說。例多做細緻的思想工作,和風細雨,幫人幫心。英like a gentle breeze and a mild rain——in a gentle and mild way;

拖拖拉拉:  以拖延為特徵的行動、習慣或性格。例看到他們拖拖拉拉,就很氣憤。英procrastination;

按兵不動:  指揮官止住軍隊,暫不行動,等待戰機。英not throw the troops into battle; take no action; be kept imobilized; bide one's time;⒉  比喻接受任務後暫不執行,以觀望形勢的發展。英bide one's time;

慢條斯理:  緩慢而有條理。比喻從容不迫。英slowly and methodically;

老牛破車:  形容人做事就像老牛拉破車,慢慢吞吞,不講究效率。例憑我們這個老牛破車的廠子,怎麼能跟人家比?英an old ox pulling a rickety cart—making slow progress; at snails pace as a slow coach; slow and inefficient work;