
注音 ㄍㄠ ㄓㄢ ㄩㄢˇ ㄓㄨˇ

拼音 gāo zhān yuǎn zhǔ




⒈  瞻:遠望。矚:注視。看得高遠。形容目光遠大。


look far ahead and aim high; be farsighted;

鼠目寸光:  比喻目光短淺,缺乏遠見。英shortsighted;

焚林而獵:  同“焚林而田”。

井蛙之見:  見:見解。井底之蛙那樣狹隘的見解。比喻狹隘短淺的見解。

殺雞取卵:  為了得到雞蛋而把母雞殺了。比喻貪圖眼前好處而損害長遠利益。例請皇上勿再竭澤而漁,殺雞取卵,為小民留一線生機!英kill the hen to get the eggs;

目光如豆:  眼光像豆子那樣小。比喻眼光窄小,見識短淺。

不識大體:  不懂大道理。引申為沒有全域性觀念。

苟且偷安:  只貪圖目前的安逸,不顧將來。

坐井觀天:  比喻眼光狹小,看到的東西有限。英look at the sky from the bottom of a well; view things from one’s limited experience; have a very narrow view;

急功近利:  急於求得成功,只圖近期得利,形容目光短淺、胸無大志。英be eager for quick success and instant benefit; seek quick success and instant benefits;

目光短淺:  缺乏遠見卓識的、只顧眼前利益的性質或狀態。英shortsightedness; shallow;

飲鴆止渴:  晉·葛洪《抱朴子·嘉遁》:“咀漏脯以充肌,酣鴆酒以止渴。”。喝鴆毒之酒以解渴,比喻只圖眼前,不顧後患。英drinking poison to quench thirst;

管窺蠡測:  管中視天,以瓢量海水,喻眼光狹小,見識不廣或不自量力。例我昨兒晚上的話竟說錯了,怪不得老爺說我是“管窺蠡測”!——《紅樓夢》三十六回。英take a narrow view of sth; look at the sky through a bamboo tube and measure the sea with a calabash——restricted in vision and shallow in understanding;

一孔之見:  從一個小窟窿裡面所看到的。比喻狹隘片面的見解,多用做謙詞。英glimpses of the truth; limited view;