


  AI can't wait until my car is repaired. The commuting with public transportation is killing me.


  BIt can't be that bad.


  ABut it is! Take this morning for example. The subway was so packed this morning, I got totally squished by about a hundred busy commuters on the way to work.


  BAt least the subway is better than the bus. It's faster for one thing. And usually less crowded. But the drawback is that the subway is more expensive than the bus. It adds up over time, if you take it every day.


  AThat's true. The bus is even worse. Just thinking about taking the bus every day makes me tired! Hey, how do you get to work every day?


  BI ride my bike. I don't live too far away, so it's pretty convenient. it's only about a ten minute bike ride from my house to the office.


  AI'll bet it's good exercise, too...a good way to keep fit.


  BYes, not only a good way to keep in shape, but a good way to relieve stress as well. While you're stressed out by your commute, I'm releasing all the stress of the day with mine.



  AAre you working overtime again? Over the last two weeks, you have worked overtime every day without a break! Your company is draining the life out of you!


  BI know, but I don't have a choice, my boss has complete control over our work schedules.I haven't made it out of the office before 9 PM a single day this week.


  AWell,I hope they're paying you the big bucks for all this work...


  BNo, not exactly, I'm working for minimum wage.And they don't give extra pay for overtime. Overtime is our own time.


  AWhat?! Isn't there a law against that, I think there is some legislation that requires emplyers to give their employees a fair rate of wages. You should know your rights! If you are putting in so many hours, they should give you some kind of compensation.


  BThey do give bonuses at the end of the year for the employees with highest productivity numbers, but frankly, it's not much of an incentive. They give us a bonus of ten dollars.


  AThat's just wrong! why don't you just quit?


  BI would, but I'm afraid I would't be able to find another job. I don't have very many job maketable skills, there aren't so many jobs that I'm qualified for.


  A It sounds like any job will be better than the one you have now!


  AYou look really wiped out?


  BI had meetings back to back all morning. And phone rang off the hook from the minute I walked into the office.


  ANot a good day. I hate to tell you that Mr. Thomas wants to see the profit’s statement for new project tomorrow morning.


  BI can’t believe it. I guess I’ll be here until 10 again tonight.
