


  國家獎學金 National Scholarship

  國家勵志獎學金 National Encouragement scholarship

  三好學生標兵 Pacemaker to Merit Student

  三好學生 Merit Student

  學習優秀生 Model Student of Academic Records

  校一等獎:The First Prize Scholarship

  校二等獎:The Second Prize Scholarship

  校三等獎:The Third Prize Scholarship

  單項獎學金:Individual Scholarship


  突出才能獎 Model Student of Outstanding Capacity

  優秀工作者 Excellent staff

  優秀學生幹部 Excellent Student Cadre

  優秀共青團員 Excellent League Member

  優秀畢業生 Outstanding Graduates

  優秀志願者 Outstanding Volunteer

  先進班集體 Advanced Class

  優秀團幹 Outstanding League Cadres

  學生協會優秀幹部 Outstanding cadres of Student Association


  先進個人 Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student

  學生協會工作優秀個人 Outstanding Individual of Student Association

  精神文明先進個人 Spiritual Advanced Individual

  社會工作先進個人 Advanced Individual of Social Work

  文體活動先進個人 Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities


  道德風尚獎 Ethic Award

  精神文明獎 High Morality Prize

  最佳組織獎 Prize for The Best Organization

  突出貢獻獎 Prize for The Outstanding Contribution

  工作創新獎 Prize for The Creative Working

  團隊建設獎 Prize for The Team Contribution



  話劇比賽 Drama competition

  英語演講比賽 English Speech Contest

  詩歌朗誦比賽 Poetry Recitation Contest

  詩歌創作比賽 Poetry Creation Contest

  黨團知識競賽 Knowledge Contest on the Party and the League

  模擬法庭 Moot Court

  演講比賽 Speech Competition

  徵文比賽 Essay Competition

  知識風采比賽 Knowledge Competition

  相聲小品大賽 Crosstalk and Sketch Contest


  全國建模比賽 National Mathematical Modeling Contest

  電子設計大賽 Electronic Design Contest

  網頁設計大賽 Web Page Design Competition

  軟體設計大賽 Software Design Competition

  實驗技能操作大賽 Experiment Skill and Operation Contest


  The Biochemical Experiments Contest for College Student in Guangdong