


  1. If we sit near ________ front of the bus, we’ll have ________ better view. A. 不填; the  B. 不填; a  C. the; a   D. the; the

  【解析】選C。考查冠詞用法。句意: 如果我們坐在公共汽車的前部, 我們就會看得更清楚。第一個空the front of the bus指公共汽車內部的前面, 此處用the特指; 第二個空have a better view意為“更好地看到”。have a good view of“清楚看到, 看到……的美景”。

  2. ***2015·蚌埠模擬***—It is neither too cold nor too hot in Kunming ________ the season.

  —No wonder it is called “Spring City”.

  A. whatever B. however

  C. whenever D. wherever

  【解析】選A。考查狀語從句。句意: ——不論什麼季節昆明都既不太冷也不太熱。——難怪它被稱作“春城”。whatever“無論什麼”, 在句中引導讓步狀語從句, 並且the season後面省略了連繫動詞is。

  【加固訓練】The reporter went to the library to search for ________ he could find about the businessman before interviewing him.

  A. wherever B. however

  C. whatever D. whichever

  【解析】選C。考查賓語從句。介詞for後面跟的是賓語從句, 從句中find缺少賓語, 且所述之物沒有範圍, 所以選C。變式題whatever引導名詞性從句, 母題whatever引導讓步狀語從句。

  3. ***2015·南通模擬***A pipeline has been built to ________ some eastern provinces with natural gas from the west of China.

  A. supply B. transport C. combine D. offer

  【解析】選A。句意: 一條管道已經建立起來, 把中國西部的天然氣送到東部的一些省份。supply . . . with . . . “向……提供……”。transport“運輸”; combine“結合”; offer“主動提供”。

  4. ***2015·衡陽模擬***—Did you attend Mary’s wedding ceremony last August?

  —I wish I ________ , but I ________ abroad.

  A. had; would study B. did; have studied

  C. do; had studied D. had; was studying

  【解析】選D。考查wish的用法。句意: ——去年八月你參加了瑪麗的結婚慶典了嗎? ——我希望參加了。但是我當時正在國外學習。wish從句表示對過去的虛擬時謂語用had done形式。第二空用過去進行時表示過去正在進行的動作。

  5. ***2015·溫州八校聯考***—Could you meet me at the airport?

  —I’d like to, but I’m afraid I ________ a very important meeting when you return.

  A. am attending B. was attending

  C. will be attending D. will have attended

  【解析】選C。考查動詞的時態。句意: ——你能來機場接我嗎? ——我想去, 但恐怕當你回來時我正在開一個很重要的會議。根據語境指的是當你回來時, 我正在做某事, 故用將來進行時。

  6. ***2015·泰州模擬***On hearing the news, the girl rushed out without hesitation, ________ the luggage ________ on the floor, and disappeared in the dark.

  A. left; lied B. leaving; lying

  C. leaving; lie D. left; lay

  【解析】選B。句意: 聽到這個訊息, 女孩毫不猶豫地衝了出去, 行李放在地板上, 然後消失在黑暗中。leave意為“使……處於某種狀態”, lying作leave的賓語補足語, leaving the luggage lying on the floor是現在分詞短語作狀語, 表示自然而然的結果。


  自然而然的結果用doing; 意料之外的結果用only to do。doing結構作結果狀語, 往往表示自然而然的結果。例如: There is mud and water everywhere, making it difficult to travel from place to place.

  到處都是泥和***積***水, 這使得到各地旅行很困難。

  本句中making it difficult to travel from place to place作結果狀語, 表示前面發生的事情“到處都是泥和***積***水”所產生的自然而然的結果。還有一類結果狀語表示意料之外的結果, 常用only to do結構來表示。例如:

  He returned home many years later only to be told that his wife had left him.

  許多年以後他回到家, 結果卻被告知妻子已經離開了他。

  7. ***2015·揚州模擬***The 31st Olympic Games, ________ between August 5 and August 21 in 2016, will take place in Rio de Janeiro.

  A. scheduling B. to schedule

  C. scheduled D. to have scheduled【解析】選C。考查時態及語態。schedule與“The 31st Olympic Games”之間是邏輯上的動賓關係, 因此, 應該使用過去分詞表示被動及完成, 其他選項均表示主動關係, 故排除。

  ________ , he is far from a competitive candidate.

  A. together B. merely

  C. altogether D. even

  【解析】選C。考查副詞辨析。句意: 你推薦的年輕男子太自私、懶惰、固執——總而言之, 他遠不是一個有競爭力的候選人。together“一起”; merely“只是”; altogether“總而言之”; even“甚至”。

  9. —That’s the third time he’s won the award in this field.

  —Yes. He ________ his maximum potential in the past decade.

  A. explored B. is exploring

  C. has been exploring D. has explored

  【解析】選C。考查時態。答句句意: 是的。過去十年來他一直都在發掘他最大的潛能。從“in the past decade”可知應該用現在完成時, 同時此處強調十年來他一直保持的狀態, 所以選擇用現在完成進行時, 故選C。

  10. ***2015·淮安模擬***His wife and children ________ to see him off at the airport, but they failed to get there in time because of the traffic jam. A. hope B. had hoped

  C. have hoped D. were hope

  【解析】選B。考查時態。句意: 他的妻子和孩子本來希望去機場送他, 但是因為交通擁堵而沒有及時趕到。had hoped表示“原希望……”, 但往往沒有實現。類似結構還有: had thought/wanted/planned/supposed/intended等。

  11. Finance for research is already ________ , with which scientists can go on with their further medical experiments.

  A. in advance B. in demand

  C. in order D. in place

  【解析】選D。考查介詞短語。句意: 研究資金已經到位, 科學家們用這筆錢可以繼續進行進一步的醫學試驗。in place“在適當的位置, 適當, 到位”; in advance“提前”; in demand“需要”; in order按順序, 整齊。

  12. ***2015·徐州模擬*** ________ on his past mistakes, Ted realized that he had made wrong friends.

  A. To reflect B. Reflecting

  C. Reflected D. Being reflected

  【解析】選B。考查非謂語動詞。句意: 反思過去的錯誤, 特德意識到他交錯了朋友。根據句意可知, 主語Ted和動詞reflect之間是邏輯上的主謂關係, 故用現在分詞短語作狀語。

  13. ***2015·南京模擬***It was several minutes ________ we realized what was happening—our dog was trapped in a newly-dug tunnel.

  A. since B. before C. until D. while

  【解析】選B。考查狀語從句。句意: 過了好幾分鐘我們才意識到正在發生什麼——我們的狗被困在新挖的隧道里了。It be+一段時間+before從句, 意為“過了多久才……”。

  14. Tom is indeed a good child; he often helps his parents clean and ________ the bedrooms on Sundays.

  A. move B. manage

  C. arrange D. serve

  【解析】選C。考查動詞辨析。句意: 湯姆確實是個好孩子, 星期天他經常幫他父母打掃、整理臥室。arrange“佈置, 安排, 整理”, 符合句意。

  15. ***2015·宿遷模擬***At first, John was ________ of planes, but two years later, ________ to other countries on business is his main business.

  A. scared; flying B. frightening; flight

  C. frightened; flight D. scaring; flying

  【解析】選A。考查scare的用法。句意: 起初, 約翰害怕飛機, 但是兩年後, 坐飛機去其他國家出差是他的主要事務。be scared of表示“害怕……”; flying to. . . 意為“坐飛機去……”, 動名詞短語作主語。