



  To sum up, chatting online can bring us more convenience and friends. Although it has its problems, we should not give up these benefits because of that, just as we cannot give up eating for fear of choking.



  1.回收垃圾: 將 chatting online can bring us more convenience and friends 替換為 recycling can conserve natural resources and reduce the amount of waste that is buried or burnt.

  →To sum up, recycling can conserve natural resources and reduce the amount of waste that is buried or burnt. Although it has its problems, we should not give up these benefits because of that, just as we cannot give up eating for fear of choking.



  2.遠端教育:將 chatting online can bring us more convenience and friends 替換為 distance eduacation can bring more convenience and provide more opportunities and possibilities for us to unleash our talents.

  →To sum up, distance eduacation can bring more convenience and provide more opportunities and possibilities for people to unleash our talents. Although it has its problems, we should not give up these benefits because of that, just as we cannot give up eating for fear of choking. *** 這裡我也用了例句的半句話,因為確實可以提供便捷嘛***



