

  成語寓言故事:Grinding an Iron Rod into a Needle鐵棒成針

  Li Bai was a great poet in the Tang Dynasty of China.


  It is said that in his childhood, he was very fond of playing and afraid of difficulties, and made slow progress in his studies.


  One day, on his way home after school, he walked by a creek and saw an old woman grinding a very, very thick iron rod. Being curious, he went to the old woman and asked:


  "Old grandma, why are you grinding this iron rod?"


  The old woman replied: "To make a needle."


  At this moment, Li Bai felt more curious and asked again:


  "How can you grind such a thick iron rod into a needle?"


  "Yes, I can. I certainly can," the old woman said. "If one works with constant effort, one can grind an iron rod into a needle."


  Hearing the old woman's words, Li Bai was enlightened.


  Since then, Li Bai studied hard and made rapid progress. Eventually he became a famous poet.


  成語寓言故事:Resenting Being Considered Illiterate諱不識字

  A man wrote a letter and had it sent to a rich man to borrow an ox.


  The rich man was just receiving guests.


  He was illiterate, but he resented very much being considered illiterate. Upon receiving the letter, he opened the envelope, and skimmed through the letter as if he could read. Then he said to the messenger:


  "All right. I will go in a little while."


  成語寓言故事:My Wife Was Born in the Year of "the Ox"夫人屬“牛”

  In the past, an official celebrated his birthday.


  A small official under him heard that he was born in the year of "the rat". To curry the official's favour, he had a gold rat cast as a birthday present and went to the official's house to congratulate him on his birthday.


  The official was very pleased at the sight of the gold rat and said:


  "Do you know? In a few days my wife will celebrate her birthday too. She was born in the year of `the ox'.,,
