


  World Teacher's Day history is associated with the adoption of Recommendation concerning the status of teachers. Read on to know more about Happy World Teachers' Day origin.

  On 5 October 1966, the world's teachers made a giant step forward. A Special Intergovernmental Conference adopted the UNESCO/ILO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. This Recommendation, for the first time ever, gave teachers, throughout the world, an instrument that defines their responsibilities and asserts their rights.

  UNESCO inaugurated World Teacher's Day on 5th October 1994. This day was selected to commemorate the adoption of UNESCO/ILO joint Recommendation. World Teacher's Day also highlights the Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel. World Teacher's Day is celebrated in almost 100 countries. It lays emphasis on the achievements and contributions of the teachers around the world.

  Education International strongly believes that World Teacher's Day should be internationally recognized and celebrated around the world. It also believes that, on this date, the principles of the 1966 and 1997 Recommendations should be considered for implementation in all nations. The efforts of Education International and its 348 member organizations have led to the wide spread recognition of World Teacher's Day. Every year, Education International launches a public awareness campaign to highlight the contributions of the teaching profession.

  This is all about the history and origin of World Teachers Day.









  1. 語文老師:春蠶到死絲方盡,蠟炬成灰淚始幹”。您的諄諄教導,無私奉獻必將成為我們不竭的學習動力!送上最誠摯的祝福教師節快樂!

  2. 見過蜜蜂在花朵小憩,卻沒見過您課堂休息;見過大海發怒,卻沒見過您生氣;親愛的老師,我用真心祝福來表達對謝意;祝您教師節快樂!

  3. 不計辛勤一硯寒,桃熟流丹,李熟技殘,種花容易樹人難;幽谷飛香不一般,詩滿人間,畫滿人間,英才濟濟笑開顏。老師,祝您教師節快樂!

  4. 右擊我的老師,屬性:勤勞,無私,熱愛同學。一般的配置,卻創造了一個個不一般的成就,這就是我們的恩師,教師節到了,祝老師們幸福!

  5. 有一種愛深似海,那是您對我的愛;有一種恩不能忘,那是您的教育之恩;老師,千言萬語無法表達對您的感激;送上祝福,祝你教師節快樂!

  6. 書山有路勤為徑,學海無涯師恩重;一年一度教師節,學生念您在心中;師情深深永不忘,諄諄教誨猶在耳;祝福老師節日樂,桃李天下笑春風。

  7. 最難參透的是老師的心,期望精心培育的花朵盛開,又怕盛開中的花朵凋零。縱然歲月會重新塑造我們的容顏,我永遠是您的孩子,敬愛的吾師!

  8. 送您一顆羅漢果,圓不隆冬多和善。送您一顆胖大海,心寬體胖多可愛。教師節到表寸心,保護老師潤喉嚨。沒事少說我兩句,老師快樂我快樂。

  9. “成功=您的教導+我們的努力”。您把公式填了一半給了我們,我們也會出色地完成另一半送給您,相信我們!送上最誠摯的祝福:教師節快樂!

  10. 校園時光難忘記,快樂點滴難捨棄;諄諄教誨記心底,師生情懷心中記;人生之路多虧你,你的教導一生記。教師佳節感謝你,願你快樂更順利!

  11. 您是蠟燭,燃燒自己照亮我們,您是大樹,撐開身體呵護我們,您是春蠶,奉獻自己關懷我們,感謝您親愛的老師,教師節祝您開心快樂永遠年輕!

  12. 一言一行張顯人格魅力,一舉一動體現師者風采,一字一句包含諄諄教誨,一分一秒無私奉獻青春。感謝老師對我的教誨和幫助,祝您教師節快樂!

  13. 用無悔做人生的格言,用呵護砥礪前行的遠帆,用關懷溫暖幼小的心靈,用智慧放飛青春的夢想。老師,你就是最無私的園丁,真心祝願你節日快樂。

  14. 三尺講臺,演繹精彩人生;諄諄教誨,開啟美好天窗;無私奉獻,呵護祖國花朵;辛勤耕耘,收穫桃李芬芳。教師節,祝福恩師身體健康,幸福永伴!

  15. 人生的旅程路漫漫,恩師的教誨永相隨,桃李恐難報三春暉,化作一句肺腑言:值此九月十日教師節,祝天下的恩師都快樂!健康!幸福福氣永相隨!