


  1.Sauted Rice Cake

  2.Fried Rice Cake


  炒辣年糕餅乾 TOPOKKI

  炒辣年糕餅乾 TOPOKKI

  各式炒年糕 Pork ; Beef ; Shrimp ; Chicken

  青菜炒年糕 Vegetable fried rice cake ; zongzi

  韓式炒年糕 Korean Rice Cake ; zhaoxiabao

  毛蟹炒年糕 Sauted Hardshell Crab with Rice Cake ; Sauteed Rice Cake with Crab

  時蔬炒年糕 Vegetable fried rice cake

  梭子蟹炒年糕 Stir-Fried Rice Cake with Crab

  辣炒年糕 Spicy fried rice cake

  rice cake例句

  1. I know your father soId seasoned rice cake.


  2. Snacks such as rice cake have symbolic significance as well.


  3. I also liked the blood rice cake.


  4. The processing, main parameters of extruded rice cake were studied in the present paper.


  5. Wow , he is really good - looking. let's give him an extra rice cake for free.

  哇啊! 他真帥. 我們免費多奉送一個米糕給他.

  6. To the needy family, even a small bite of the rice cake would satisfy them.

  在她們貧窮的家裡, 一塊小小的年糕都是無上的美味了啊.

  7. Famous Shanghai local snacks include steamed buns, sparerib rice cake , crab shell cake, etc.

  上海的著名小吃有小籠包 、 排骨年糕 、 蟹殼黃等等,都非常好吃,你可以嘗試一下.

  8. From white rice cake flour, Americans have a soft spot for highly processed cereal grains.


  9. Niu disobedient people see, and as soon eat fried egg fried rice cake boiled a plow.

  人們看到牛聽話了, 就馬上煎雞蛋煮餈吃飽犁田了.

  10. Toss with beaten egg until well combined, then place crabs on top rice cake and serve.

  加入蛋液兜勻, 即可將蟹肉放在鍋巴上享用.