



  It sounds like something from the future: a pair of skinny jeans that will charge your smartphone, simply by slipping the device into a sleek side pocket.


  But that day is here. Joe's Jeans, a California-based fashion brand, has launched a line of jeans called #Hello, featuring a hidden pocket for a slim battery and power cord, which can connect to Apple iPhones. The new styles "offer a sleek, stylish way to keep women charged and connected while on the go."The jeans, are priced at $189, plus another $49 for the custom battery.

  但這一天已經到來。Joe's Jeans是一時尚品牌,總部在加利福尼亞,已經發布了#Hello系列牛仔褲,其主打特色為一個含輕薄電池和電線的暗袋,可以連線蘋果iPhone手機。這一新時尚為女性提供了"高雅時尚的充電方式,可以在路上就連線上充電"。這一牛仔褲,定價189美元,定製電池板另需49美元。

  The brand isn't the first to add charging capabilities to a piece of apparel. Many companies have launched purses and wallets that charge phones. Backpacks like the Powerbag and The North Face also let people charge their tablets or smartphones on the go, and some companies have moved beyond charging capabilities — equipping devices with GPS, speaker hookups and more.

  這可不是頭一個在服裝上加充電功能的品牌。許多公司釋出了可以供電話充電的男士和女士錢包,像Powerbag和The North Face這樣的揹包公司也讓人們在路上就給平板電腦和智慧手機充電。有些公司還不止有充電功能,給裝置裝上GPS、連線揚聲器等等。

  Even our furniture might some day be able to give our phones some juice: IKEA recently said it's creating a line of lamps, desks and tables that will charge phones and tablets, without wires.


  The future of fashion clearly includes 'smart' functionality. The consumers have come to accept this level of functionality in clothing. Jeans capitalizing on this burge oning demand seems logical.




  For many women, deciding what to wear for work every morning can be a stressful and time-consuming experience.


  But Jackie Brown, 49, from Surrey, was so fed up of her daily fashion dilemma that she decided to put an end to the problem - by wearing the same outfit every day for a whole month ***washed and ironed regularly, of course***.


  It may sound boring, but Jackie, an editor at women's magazine Good Housekeeping, found that removing her style dilemma from her daily routine helped to start the day on the right foot and boosted her confidence.


  She also discovered that despite being worried that she would look boring, nobody noticed that beneath her accessories she was sporting the same garb daily.


  She said: 'I used to leave house flustered and in a rush and it wasn't a good way to start the day. Also, I would often feel that I hadn't quite pulled off the outfit.'


  'And I found not having to decide about clothes freed my mind up to think about what I was doing that day.'


  The result was that Jackie felt calmer and more in control and as a consequence, she felt those around her reacted more positively to her too.


  She said: 'I felt good about myself and felt people treated me with more reverence and smiled at me more. '
