


  1.With the couple________in a nearby town,the house seems pretty empty most of the time.

  A.work B.to work

  C.working D.worked

  答案 C

  解析 考查with複合結構。work 和其邏輯主語the couple是主謂關係,表示現在的狀況,所以用現在分詞表主動。句意為:這對夫妻在附近鎮上上班,***他們的***房子大部分時間都是空蕩蕩的。

  2.________to get a seat for the concert,he didn’t mind standing in a queue all night.

  A.Determine B.To be determined

  C.Determined D.Being determined

  答案 C

  解析 過去分詞作原因狀語,“Determined to get a seat for the concert”相當於“Because he was determined to get a seat for the concert”。

  3.The direct flight has proved successful,________ Taiwan another tourist destination for people on the mainland.

  A.made B.making

  C.make D.makes

  答案 B

  解析 從句意可知,後文是前文的結果,且主語與動詞make之間為主謂關係,因此用現在分詞making作結果狀語。

  4.You should understand the traffic rule by now.You’ve had it ________ often enough.

  A.explaining B.to explain

  C.explain D.explained

  答案 D

  解析 此題考查“have sth.done”結構。

  5.He hurried to the station,only ________ that the train had left.

  A.to find B.finding

  C.found D.to be found

  答案 A

  解析 根據句意可知,空白處表示一個意想不到的結果,因此用“only+不定式”表示,又因句子的主語和find之間為主謂關係,因此用不定式的主動式。

  6.Now that we’ve discussed our problem,are people happy with the decisions ________?

  A.taking B.take

  C.taken D.to take

  答案 C

  解析 句意為:既然我們已經討論了我們的問題,人們對我們做的決定滿意嗎? take與the decisions之間是動賓關係,故用過去分詞表示被動。

  7.Yesterday a street­beggar bought a lottery ticket purposelessly,________him a millionaire overnight.

  A.making B.makes

  C.to make D.made

  答案 C

  解析 不定式作結果狀語表示主語未曾預料到的結果。

  8.________ your composition carefully,some spelling mistakes can be avoided.

  A.Having checked B.Check

  C.If you check D.To check

  答案 C

  解析 分析句子結構可知,check的邏輯主語是you,與後面句子的主語some spelling mistakes不一致,因此不能用非謂語動詞作狀語,故使用從句***因為主從句的主語可以一致,也可以不一致***。

  9.________twice a year,whether it is a car or a bus or a truck,is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.



  C.Being examined

  D.Having been examined

  答案 C

  解析 句中缺少的是主語,分詞不作主語,故排除A、B項;從整個句子意思來看examine需要用被動式且用其一般式即可。

  10.Little Bob is often educated by his parents to be good and friendly to anyone even if ________.

  A.attacking B.is attacked

  C.to be attacked D.attacked

  答案 D

  解析 even if attacked=even if he is attacked。

  11.Could you show me the TV set you’d like________?

  A.to have repaired B.repairing it

  C.to have it repaired D.to repair it

  答案 A

  解析 此處考查would like後跟不定式;其次考查have sth. done結構。

  12.________the working efficiency,the boss allows the employees to have a coffee break.

  A.Improving B.To improve

  C.Having improvedD.Improved

  答案 B

  解析 句意為:為了提高工作效率,老闆允許員工有一個喝咖啡休息的時間。不定式作目的狀語,故選B項。

  13.The little boy still needs the________20 dollars to do with some things________.

  A.remaining;remained to be settled

  B.remaining;remaining to be settled

  C.remained;remained to settle

  D.remained;remaining to settle

  答案 B

  解析 第一個remaining用作形容詞,作“剩下的”解;第二個remaining to be settled 是­ing形式短語作定語修飾some things。

  14.—I would like to buy an expensive camera.

  —Well.We have several models________.

  A.to choose from B.of choice

  C.to be chosen D.for choosing

  答案 A

  解析 不定式短語作定語。choose from表示從所給的物品中挑選。

  15.________tomorrow’s lessons,I have no time to play with you.

  A.Not preparing B.Not prepared

  C.Not having prepared D.Having not prepared

  答案 C

  解析 考查分詞作狀語的用法。句意為:我沒有準備好明天的功課,沒有時間和你玩。用現在分詞表主動動作,其完成式強調“沒有準備”這一動作發生在“玩”這一動作之前。非謂語動詞的否定式是在其前加not。

  16.The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft,the most recent ________ at the end of last March.

  A.has been launched B.having been launched

  C.being launched D.to be launched

  答案 B

  解析 考查獨立主格結構。launch和spacecraft之間為動賓關係,且動作已經發生,故用現在分詞的被動完成式作邏輯謂語,構成獨立主格結構。

  17.Generally speaking,prices of daily goods ________ through the Internet are lower than store prices.

  A.to buy B.are bought

  C.buying D.bought

  答案 D

  解析 buy和其邏輯主語goods是動賓關係,也就是說,goods是動詞buy的接受者,所以用過去分詞表被動,作後置定語。

  18.I’ve worked with children before,so I knew what ________ in my new job.

  A.expected B.to expect

  C.to be expected D.expects

  答案 B

  解析 在“疑問詞+不定式”結構中,不定式常用主動形式表示被動意義。what to expect在句子中作know的賓語,故答案為B項。

  19.________such a heavy loss,the businessman didn’t have the courage to go on.

  A.Having suffered B.Suffering

  C.To suffer D.Suffered答案 A

  解析 句意為:遭受了如此嚴重的損失之後,那位商人沒有勇氣繼續做生意了。因為“遭受重創”先發生,故用現在分詞的完成式。

  20.Taking this medicine,if________,will of course do good to his health.

  A.continued B.to continue

  C.continues D.continuing

  答案 A

  解析 if continued 是“if taking this medicine is continued”的省略形式。

  21.The global warming is more and more serious,for which human beings ________.

  A.are blaming B.are to blame

  C.are going to blame D.are to be blamed

  答案 B

  解析 be to blame用主動形式表示被動含義,表示“應該受責備”。句意為:全球變暖越來越嚴重,在這個問題上人類應該受到責備。

  22.In order to improve English,________.

  A.Jenny’s father bought her a lot of tapes

  B.Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herself

  C.a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny

  D.a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny’s father

  答案 B

  解析 根據句意可知,improve的邏輯主語為Jenny。因為非謂語動詞作狀語,其邏輯主語與句子的主語是一致的,所以後面句子的主語也為Jenny,故答案為B項。

  23.His first book ________ next month is based on a true story.

  A.published B.to be published

  C.to publish D.being published

  答案 B

  解析 考查非謂語動詞。此處是非謂語動詞作後置定語,由時間狀語next month可知所填非謂語動詞表示將來的動作,故用動詞不定式;其邏輯主語是所修飾的名詞book,不定式與邏輯主語是被動關係,故用不定式的被動式,故選B項。

  24.—We didn’t find the Blacks ________ the lecture.

  —No one had told them about ________ a lecture the following day.

  A.attending;there being B.to attend;there to be

  C.attended;there be D.attend;there was

  答案 A

  解析 第一空attending作賓補,補充說明the Blacks的動作;第二空there being為動名詞短語作介詞about的賓語。

  25.________,John returned to school from his hometown.

  A.The summer vacation being over

  B.The summer vacation is over

  C.Because the summer vacation over

  D.After the summer vacation being over

  答案 A

  解析 做題時首先分析句子結構,確定句子型別。此處應為獨立主格結構作為主句的原因,對主句解釋、說明,故A項正確。B項為完整的句子,兩句間缺少連詞;C項是because引導的原因狀語從句,句中缺少謂語;D項是after引導的時間狀語從句,謂語動詞應為was。