








  Christmas is celebrated on December 25 every year. This is a western holiday, and now our easterners also love Christmas. Christmas Eve was the night before Christmas, and this night, Father Christmas was busy giving gifts to children, hoping to surprise them.

  Every child likes Christmas, because they will receive their favorite gifts on this day. From the memory of my childhood, I received gifts of bells, chocolate, fruit drops, knives and knives... I imagine a kind of grey beard Christmas grandpa wearing a Christmas hat, Christmas clothes and driving a sleigh, carrying a gift bag, gifts for every child, I wish the children healthy growth, clever sensible. Until this evening, two days before Christmas, an uncle and his daughter came to our home, talking about Christmas, uncle said: "Christmas is coming, mom and dad again to send a gift to you." "Isn't Father Christmas giving presents?" I asked in surprise. The uncle's daughter smiled and said, "there's no Santa Claus! That's just the legend, but the gifts were from mom and dad!" That's when I realized that there was no Father Christmas present, and I received a gift from my father and mother that had been quietly put on my bed. They want their children to be happy and happy, and to be on the upper floor in the New Year.

  On the night of the night, my father and mother took me to the most prosperous area of new street. There is a flood of people, people taking fireworks to the square, the sparks fly, and the hearts of everyone. Outside the mall, the green Christmas tree lights up and carries the wishes of many people. Merry Christmas is not so much the happiness of children as the joy of parents.


  Christmas is not our Chinese traditional festivals, but in this short day, always have a fairy tale, let everyone happy to spend the holiday. Some people say that Christmas is the world of children, especially young children, who live fast and have unlimited free space in this colorful festival.

  Santa Claus is a familiar figure. On those cartoons and other children's shows, he is always in the night before the Christmas day is coming wrap wrapped in delicate gift for children, make every kid with sweet smile. In the eyes of people, especially some boring man, serious one, they believe that Santa Claus is the temptation for a child childish figure, can make their children affected by of illusory. I don't think that's right. Father Christmas is kind and kind, and he is very fond of children. He will make the children's childhood pure and beautiful. The adults say that if the time goes back and they return to their childhood, will they say that?