






  He must be getting on for eighty!


  Although he's over eighty his mind is still remarkably alert.


  There are eighty pages in this book.


  But the soil contamination of eighty years of mining remains unaddressed.


  Her wages are eighty dollars an hour.


  I can give you no more than eighty yuan.


  The car raced through the countryside at eighty miles an hour.


  Let me begin by defining our tasks.


  We were a basket case in the early eighties.

  He was over eighty years of age, infirm and totally blind 他八十多歲了,身體虛弱, 雙目失明

  He carries his eighty years well 真看不出他是八十高齡的老人

  He stands one metre and eighty 他身高一米八十

  I spent a lot of time in the early Eighties travelling between London and Bradford 八十年代初,我有很多時間穿梭於倫敦和布拉德福德之間。

  But today is eighty - five days and I should fish the day well 不過今天是 第八十五 天,我該一整天好好釣魚

  " You tried to buy it with eighty - four days at sea " 你曾想拿在海上的八十四天來買它

  " But what about the eighty - seven of your great record? " " 不過你上次創紀錄的是八十七天,這怎麼說? ”

  Margaret Thatcher's espousal of monetarism eventually brought inflation down in the early s 瑪格麗特·撒切爾對於貨幣主義的擁護最終使通貨膨脹在世紀八十年代降了下來。

  Tomorrow is the eightyfifth day 明兒是第八十五天 ”

  It's all of eighty bucks That's pretty steep for just three canteens 才三水壺就要八十塊錢, 心也夠黑的啦

  All our family came to our grandfather's eightieth birthday party 我們全家和所有的親戚都來參加祖父的八十歲壽宴

  Our handbags cost from pounds to pounds 本店的手提包最便宜的五鎊,最貴的八十鎊

  Eighty poles, each of one foot high, were erected for this purpose 為了達到這個目的,他們豎起了八十根一英尺高的柱子

  The old man was on the verge of eighty 那老人已年近八十

  The car was running , let us say , eighty km an hour 那時該車時速約八十公里

  Although he is eighty, he is still very much alive 他雖有八十歲了, 但仍然充滿了活力

  More than percent of the population are peasants 百分之八十的人口是農民

  Frisee became one of the chic staples of s cookery 菊苣成了八十年代烹調藝術流行主要材料之一

  They planned to get on to a break - even basis by mid - 他們計劃到八十年代中期 要做到不虧不盈

  She was troubled because she had reached the weight of pounds 她的體重達到一百八十磅,很發愁