


  Red envelopes, commonly known as New Year's money. For the New Year, of course, this ultimately. For our children, the New Year's happiest thing is to receive a red envelope. New year, adults are busy New Year gift, by the way we take these children to be a place - we certainly willing to visit the door will be able to receive the money who live do not want to do it?

  So, every time someone else's guest or someone else to our house guest, we have a few children intentionally or unintentionally walked from their side. The guests see what we seem to think of, and quickly open the wallet, we also Coushang to, happily took the seemingly deserved red envelopes, mouth said blessing, eyes are tightly staring at the thickness of the red envelope. If thick, we bless the words of a little more; if thin, we bless the words less one or two. Although these words are not subconsciously said, but the thickness of the red envelope and the words of blessing is proportional to, but I learned from the many years of experience theorem Oh!

  Although each time the red envelopes are not the same, but as long as we received, we are happy to play heart. This way to receive red envelopes for many years I did not feel anything, but in recent years, with age, I feel more and more in front of guests received red envelopes embarrassed. I was the eldest son of the family, every year when the red envelopes and brothers and sisters stood together, in particular, feel that there is a "stand out" feeling, that the height of the height of the red envelopes and the name of the red envelope, Dodging back to the room.

  Recently I read an article about the origin of red envelopes, know the New Year package red envelopes, send the child is a blessing of the meaning, we accept the red envelope is also a blessing. Adults are only concerned that we are too happy New Year, and we care about is also a good year, the tension of the red envelope is only out of childhood naive Bale. From the cousin of the red envelope has always been aunt received, angry for some time and then happy to be the New Year this matter can be seen.

  My red bag has been collected by me, the mother never asked to help me collection. To this day, I finally know why the mother to do that, she is convinced that I grew up, can handle their own business to do so. I also want to clear, the Chinese New Year red envelopes should not be shy for their own age, blessing others is not a good thing? Yes, I grew up, over a year and a year old, do not have to worry about their own red envelopes, I can also like the previous generous Lee took the red envelope.







  My Spring Festival was great. Before the Chinese New Year, my families were all going to my grandparents’. Many of my relatives there were playing all the night. At night, we set off firecrackers. The voice was very loud, cars parked far from us were sounding. Maybe they feared the voice too.

  The first day of the Chinese New Year, we all got up early. We said “Happy New Year!” or “Good luck this year!” to each other and get money from them. We visited our relatives all day. That made me feel very tired but very happy because I also can get money.

  The second day of the New Year, I slept during the morning. In the afternoon, I went to the beautiful countryside, and visited the Yi River, it is very wide, about 1 kilometer.

  Next day, we left my grandparents’ home for Qingdao. The expressway had been frozen. It was terrible! So we could only run by at a slow speed.

  This festival was great, I love Spring Festival!







  The semester is coming to an end, the Spring Festival is coming, my heart is particularly excited, I have already planned how the Spring Festival how to live, and now the day and night hope the Spring Festival finally come Oh, I must be full and meaningful The

  First of all, have to buy in front of the couplet, the house a few doors to decorate some, so that the home overflowing the atmosphere of the festival. Of course, fireworks are also essential, I particularly like fireworks flying on the sky, the rain like a spill down the magnificent landscape. Dumplings is one of the essential food Spring Festival, my mother personally do dumplings, fresh incomparable, memorable, I must be happy to eat a meal, solve greedy.

  Followed by relatives and friends have to go home next year. A door, I will "uncle long, aunt short" to call them, and then the mom and dad bought a gift to them, hee hee, relatives will be warmly entertain us, end of the delicious snacks, put on candy , And my favorite Hunan Lei tea, it is made with sesame fried, as long as the use of boiling water a bubble, wow, fragrant, people mouth-watering, appetite.

  And then eat a big meal, and my mother can be said to be "a must", and the whole family sitting around, tasting a rich wine, talking and laughing, enjoyable The favorite is to see the annual Spring Festival party, which is rich in colorful programs, funny sketches, sounds of the song, wonderful performances, to the beauty of the enjoyment.

  When I was intoxicated with the New Year plan, my mother called me to write homework, hey, I love the Spring Festival you come soon

  學期就要結束了, 春節也快到了,我心裡特別興奮,我早已計劃好了這個春節該怎麼過,現在日日夜夜盼望的春節終於要來了哦,我一定要過得充實而有意義。



