


  Like that of her own character,Harry Potter,J.K.Rowling's life is like a fairy tale.Divorced,living on public assistance in a tiny Edinburgh flat with her infant daughter,Rowling __1__ Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone __2__ a table in a cafe during her daughter's naps—and it was Harry Potter __3__ rescued her.

  Rowling __4__ that she always wanted to write and that the first __5__ she actually wrote down,when she was five or six,was a story about a rabbit __6__ Rabbit.Many of her favorite __7__ center around reading—hearing The Wind in the Willows __8__ aloud by her father when she had the measles,enjoying the fantastic adventure stories of E.Nesbit,and her favorite story of all,The Little White Horse.

  At Exeter University Rowling took her degree in French and __9__ one year studying in Paris.After college she moved to London to __10__ as a researcher and bilingual secretary.The best thing about working in an office,she has said,was __11__ up stories on the computer when no one was __12__.During this time,on a particularly long train ride from Manchester to London in the summer of 1990,the idea __13__ her of a boy who is a wizard and doesn't know it.He __14__ a school for wizardry—she could see him very plainly in her mind.By the time the train __15__ into Kings Cross station four hours later,many of the characters and the early stages of the plot were fully __16__ in her head.The story took further shape as she continued working on it in __17__ and cafes over her lunch hours.

  After her marriage to a Portuguese TV journalist ended in divorce,Rowling returned to Britain with her infant daughter and a suitcase full of Harry Potter notes and __18__.She settled in Edinburgh to be near her sister and __19__ to finish the book before looking for a teaching job.Wheeling her daughter's carriage around the city to escape their __20__,cold apartment,she would duck into coffee shops to write when the baby fell asleep.In this way she finished the book and started sending it to publishers.


  measle n.麻疹 ②bilingual adj.雙語的


  【語篇解讀】 Harry Potter是受全世界書迷喜歡的系列小說,可很少有人知道此書的作者J.K.Rowling的命運就像書中人物哈利·波特一樣具有傳奇色彩。

  1.A.read B.recited C.wrote D.copied

  答案 C [作為一個作家,應該是“寫”或“創作”小說。]

  2.A.on B.in C.around D.at

  答案 D [寫作時應該是“坐在桌子前”,用at a table。]

  3.A.what B.that C.which D.who

  答案 B [本句採用了強調句型,強調的是主語Harry Potter。] 4.A.remembers B.thinks

  C.reminds D.supposes

  答案 A [此處是Rowling對往事的回憶,所以應該選 remembers。]

  5.A.book B.story C.novel D.fiction

  答案 B [下文“was a story about a rabbit __6__ Rabbit”暗示了答案。novel 指一般的小說;fiction多指科幻方面的小說。]

  6.A.colored B.published C.called D.replaced

  答案 C [語境為“關於一隻名叫Rabbit的兔子的故事”。]

  7.A.songs B.sports C.things D.memories

  答案 D [此段主要講述的是Rowling對往事的回憶,這裡的意思為“她的許多美好回憶集中在讀書上”。]

  8.A.spoken B.said C.told D.read答案 D [read aloud意思為“大聲朗讀”;雖然tell可以表示“講故事”,但它不與aloud搭配。]

  9.A.cost B.spared C.took D.spent

  答案 D [spend time***in***doing sth為固定結構。]

  10.A.regard B.consider C.work D.treat

  答案 C [雖然四個動詞都與as搭配,但此處表示“當研究員和祕書”,所以用work as。]

  11.A.searching B.reading C.listening D.typing

  答案 D [此處表示在上班期間搞業餘創作,應該是在電腦上把構思的小說“打出來”。]

  12.A.noticing B.watching C.observing D.seeing

  答案 B [語境為“當沒有觀察時,她就在電腦上打字”。watch表示“觀看,觀察,監視”,符合語境;notice表示“無意中注意到”;observe多表示“搞專門研究的人長期地進行某一方面的觀察”;see表示“有意或無意中看到”。]

  13.A.came to B.struck to C.stuck to D.hit on

  答案 A [表示“某人產生一個主意”常用an idea comes to sb,an idea strikes sb或sb hits on/upon an idea。]

  14.A.studies B.attends C.builds D.goes

  答案 B [與上學有關的短語為study at/in a school,attend a school,enter a school和go to school。]

  15.A.entered B.pulled C.reached D.arrived

  答案 B [火車進站、出站常用動詞“pull into”和“pull out of”。另外,這兩個短語還可表示輪船進出碼頭。]

  16.A.organized B.taken C.formed D.appeared

  答案 C [此處表示故事中的人物和前邊的部分已經在她大腦中“形成”。]

  17.A.theatres B.pubs C.cinemas D.concerts

  答案 B [由“over her lunch hours”可知,此處應選pubs***酒吧***。]

  18.A.chapters B.books C.magazines D.newspapers

  答案 A [從上文的“notes”一詞和下文的“to finish the book”可知,此處表示那本書的“章節”。]

  19.A.set about B.set off C.set up D.set out

  答案 D [此處表示定居下來以後著手完成她的書。表示“著手幹某事”常用set out to do sth和set about doing sth兩個短語,由後邊的不定式結構推斷出選D。set off表示“動身,出發”;set up意為“建立”。]

  20.A.splendid B.large Cfortable D.tiny

  答案 D [此處意為“離開她們狹小而又寒冷的公寓……”。]