


  中國人在慶祝傳統新年時,有貼年畫***New Year pictures***的習俗。這在宋朝的史料中有所記載。廣大農村尤其流行這個習俗。在新年來臨之際每個家庭都忙於往門、窗戶和牆上貼彩色的年畫或剪紙***paper-cut***。傳統的年畫是用簡單清晰的線條和明亮的色彩描繪出繁榮的景象。年畫表達的主題範圍很廣,但所有年畫傳遞的資訊一直都是好運、節日氣息或人們希望的其他好事情。


  Chinese people have the custom of sticking up New Year pictures to celebrate the traditional New Year. This can be traced in the historical records of the Song Dynasty. The custom is particularly popular in the vast countryside. Upon the coming of the New Year, every household will be busy pasting colorful New Year pictures or paper-cuts on their doors, windows and walls. Traditional New Year pictures are characterized by scenes of prosperity depicted in simple, clear lines and brilliant colors. The themes expressed in New Year pictures cover a wide range, but the messages all pictures convey are always good luck, festival atmosphere or other nice things in the wish of the people.


  1.中國人在慶祝傳統新年時,有貼年畫的習俗:本句主語是“中國人”,可用Chinese people來表示。謂語部分是“有貼年畫的習俗”,其中“有…的習俗”可譯為have the custom of..., “貼年畫”可譯為stick up New Year pictures。

  2.這在宋朝的史料中有所記栽:該句可譯為被動句This can be traced in the historical records of the Song Dynasty。其中謂語為be traced,“史料”可譯為 historical records。

  3.在新年來臨之際,每個家庭都忙於往門、窗戶和牆上貼彩色的年畫或剪紙:“在新年來臨之際”可譯為Upon the coming of the New Year。“每個家庭”可譯為every household。“忙於..."可譯為be busy in doing sth.或be occupied with...。


  國畫***Chinese painting***是世界上最古老的藝術傳統之一。繪畫時用毛筆蘸黑墨或彩墨在紙張或絲綢上作畫。根據表現手法,國畫可分為寫童派***the Xieyi school***和工筆派***the Gongbi school***兩大類。寫意派以自 由表達和形式誇張為特點;工筆派則注重以精細的筆法描繪細節。山水畫被公認為國畫的最高形式。縱觀歷史,不同時期的國畫都相應地反映出人們的社會意識。


  Chinese painting is one of the oldest artistic traditions in the world. The painting is done on paper or silk with a brush dipped in black or colored ink. According to the means of expression, Chinese paintings can be divided into two categories which are the Xieyi school and the Gongbi school. The Xieyi school is characterized by free expression and exaggerated forms, while the Gongbi school attaches importance to detail with fine brush work. Landscape painting is widely regarded as the highest form of Chinese painting. Throughout history, the Chinese paintings paintings at different times mirror people's social consciousness accordingly.


  1.第2句為無主語句,翻譯時可補充出主語0ne,譯作When painting, one uses a brush to dip it in black ink...,但這種譯法顯得較為繁冗。此處宜把時間狀語“繪畫時”轉換成主句is done,“用毛筆蘸黑墨......”處理成方式狀語,用介詞短語with a brush dipped in black...來表達,這樣句子更簡潔、邏輯關係更強。

  2.在第3句中,“可分為幾大類”可譯為短語be divided into...categories;“寫意派和工筆派”則可用定語從 句which are...來表達。

  3.第4句含有對比的並列結構,可用表對比的連詞while來連線。該句中的“注重……描繪細節”譯成attach importance to detail即可達意,省譯“描繪”;“以精細的筆法”是方式狀語,可用介詞短語with fine brush work來表達,置於句末。

  4.在最後一句中,定語“不同時期的”較長,可將其處理成後置定語,表達為at different times/periods。